Solar Energy

To the quarrel on the climatricas alterations on the part of the European Union, Portugal committed to reduce it the emissions of carbon dioxide and to improve the energy efficiency in, at least, 20% until the o year of 2020. To obtain to reach this objective the country committed to increase it the number of barrages and the number De Campos of aeolian energy, thus guaranteeing to increase the energy produced through the natural resources. The numbers have increased exponentially, showing as soon as the country are pledged in diminishing the dependence of the energies did not renew, thus improving the environment and the natural resources. Read more here: lyft. Fotovoltaicos parks the presence of park fotovoltaicos in Portugal is each bigger time, being this great trunfo of the country to reach the levels ideas of the natural resources for the houses of the Portuguese. The Central office Fotovoltaica Hrcules, located in concelho of Serpa (the one of the zones most favorable in all Europe), possesss about 64 hectares and has about 52 a thousand fotovoltaicos panels, one number sufficiently raised for a so small zone. Although the presence of this high number of panels, these are installed about 2 meters of the ground, allowing as soon as the land continue to serve for agriculture. The construction of this park of solar energy was initiated in May of 2006 and was inaugurated the 28 of March of 2007, having the capacity to supply to electric energy the 8000 homes, thus preventing the emission of about 19 a thousand tons of carbon dioxide the environment. The Solar Central office Fotovoltaica de Amareleja, situated in the life of Amareleja and concelho of Moura, has the capacity to supply about 30 a thousand homes, through 2520 azimuthal solar followers who possess 104 solar panels each one. This central office can thus prevent the emission of about 86 a thousand tons of carbon dioxide, being one of the greaters operating currently in Portugal.