The debts of its debtors very probably never will be quit, exactly thus it do not have box problems. It thought about a bank? Not, this company is the treasury department. Technology of tip the Federal Prescription with the T-Rex, a supercomputer that takes the name of the devastador Tiranossauro Rex, and Harpia software, bird of more powerful robbery of the country, has capacity to learn with the behavior of the contributors to detect irregularities and allows to cross given of thousand of different sources in order to gain productivity and operational effectiveness. The investment and the technology that the treasury department possesss today are enviable for any company of Brazil. Ample hearing in web the site of the treasury department so is visited that he was separate for small farms of subjects and congregates the main fiscal information for physical and legal people. Ally the new strategy to house the information of its ' ' clientes' ' in Cloud Computing, the access alone goes to increase, generating still bigger advertising. To exemplificar, the term ' ' Federal' prescription; ' it more than has 11 million notes of research in the Google, the double of the term ' ' Bahia' houses; '.
Still exists doubt of the hearing of the treasury department in the Internet? Strategies of Guerrilla All company has competition and this is not different with the treasury department. But to each day, it if it has shown still more efficient in the combat the unfair competition, when hunting tax evaders who erroneamente they believe that they are capable to win the treasury department. Each great conquest is commemorated and has ample gratuitous covering of the media, becoming a referencial for future actions. Bigger CRM of Brazil a data base with all the information of its customers. Where, when and in what they spend, how much, where and when they earn. A data base capable to give necessary information on the habits of consumption of its customers, personal and familiar information on the choices for trips, vehicles, housing, education, feeding, clothes, at last all and any information can be tracked in this data base. That company has size detailing of information on its customers? With full certainty, this is the company federal treasury department!