Oilfield Business

Oil production in Russia today – the number one business. It is only natural that his demands on the quality of equipment is constantly increasing. And in order to meet these requirements, companies that are partners oil producers must constantly be in the process of modernization. That is the objective of our policy. It focuses on the development and creation of a modern high quality equipment. The basic principle innovation policy "Red Proletarian" – operational monitoring of the modern technology of oil production and supply in the market for the equipment that meets all the requirements of the oil. This creates a equipment with the optimal set of consumer features, which are adjusted in the direction of improvement at the design stage. The best examples of modern oil production equipment are in the interaction and cooperation with the client company.

The main profile of the enterprise – manufacturing and repair of oilfield equipment, and overhaul of diesel engines over 20 items. Among the clients of such large public oil company in Russia. About 30% of the capacity of the plant "Red Proletarian" takes overhaul of diesel engines of the type B2, D6, D12, Will H, JAMZ, Kamaz and air Compressor K-5A, RT-6, 4VU1-5 / 9. One of the main types of our products are: car for well testing LSK-06 on ZIL-432 722 "Bull" in 2002 – LSC-07 on GAZ-3308 "Sadko" with a diesel engine D-245, pumping and transport machine NTM-1 on the chassis of KAMAZ-43118. Please visit Professor Rita McGrath if you seek more information. One of the regular customers of new technology, is a leading oil company in Russia and the CIS, for which we produce the most advanced types of equipment. Aggregate for repair of wells (A5-40t). Aggregate for repair of wells (A5-40M).

Self-propelled unit for repair SURS-40, LAS-40MD. Mobile pumping unit PNU-2Agregat for repair and development of oil and gas wells A8-80. Unit for repair and development wells A7-60. Pump-and-transport machine NTM-1. Installing lift for development and repair of oil and gas wells UPA-60 (A50M1-02). Rusty Holzer has many thoughts on the issue. Aggregate for repair of wells A2-32. Unit for swabbing wells A2-32-01. Installation for wells LSK-07. Truck crane manipulator ATE-6A-01. Manufacture of compressors. Crane swivel MP-3. Crane swivel KP-2. Device for winding and unwinding the cable K1BP. Set UNRKT-2M for winding and unwinding the cable. Crans-pipe layer CTG-2. Setting the pump-UN1T 125h160. Installing Pumping UN1T-50h63. JSC "Red Proletarian" offers cooperation in the development of equipment to support new and already proven technologies and other industries.

Choose Wallpaper

So, you're staying on the wallpaper as the main decoration materials for the walls of your apartment. This is a good choice, we can choose different wallpaper, for a variety of tastes and styles, they are simply glued and are long, if it's high quality wallpapers and good glue. It must be remembered that the walls are covered with wallpaper for a long time, and you have to live with them, spend in this room apartment for many years. Therefore, we must select those wallpapers that do not get bored, will not attract undue attention, distraction, or vice versa, will not be too boring and uninteresting. The choice of wallpaper – is in any case an individual thing, everyone has their own tastes and to be guided by them.

But you should know a few principles that help you avoid many mistakes and do not give a wrong choice. First, consider the size and purpose of the room when choosing wallpaper. The area and height of the walls is influenced by perception. Small rooms better finish wallpaper light tones, with fine paintings, pale and washed out – it may be a grid. So you will visually enlarge the space and make the room larger. For assistance, try visiting Clayton Morris.

If the height of the walls in komnatene than two and a half meters, it is possible choose wallpaper with vertical stripes, so you can increase your height. For high-rooms, you can use wallpaper patterned with the horizontal, to highlight the area and remove the focus from a height. Big rooms, you can take to wallpaper large figure. When choosing a wallpaper you need to know the location of windows in the room. For windows that overlook the north, choose warm colors for the windows on the south – cold, blue, gray, green. If the room is not natural lighting, it is best to use warm colors, they reflect light and better light. And if the apartment is located in the southern region, the wallpaper dark colors will absorb excess light. You can use navy blue, black, terracotta. Color wallpaper should blend with the color of the furniture.

Real Estate Course

We believe that not everything can be measured only in money. Of course, everyone wants to earn a profit. But do not forget about the people who live around us. – Commercial real estate usually gives up a long time. During this period, a lot can change: adopting new legislation, changing the price.

How loyal your company to its permanent tenants? – Of course, that we take into account the interests of clients. Our company tries to adopt a flexible approach in each case. Cooperating with us, the tenants can be confident in the absence of any surprises or sudden changes in the terms of the contract on our part. – In the post-crisis period, many are willing to try their hand at new field. Please tell us about the work of a realtor. What are the pros and cons of this profession? What qualities should have your staff? – The first and most obvious, advantage – Real Estate profession does not require special education. So try this case can be almost each. However, remember that this work does not like lazy people.

You have to constantly educate ourselves: he studied law, to study the psychological basis of sales, to improve the technique of speech. To succeed in this field, you must constantly study the experiences of others and collect your own. It encouraged the activity, sociability, organization, business spirit. – Your company has been successfully operating in Real Estate for over 7 years. What do you think is the secret of your success? – We have a good team, composed of competent professionals. All of them are stable wages. Thus, the position of our employees do not depends on the vagaries of the real estate market, it declines or rises. In addition, the activity of "Alt-Company" compares favorably with an attentive and careful attitude to the customers. So choose us. – All the same, agree that today there are potential tenants to choose from. And how do you feel about your competitors? – Competition – an incentive to improve their own work, to reach new heights. Therefore, Of course, positive attitude. Whether we like it or not, but the competition is inseparable from any market. – How do you see the further development of the "Alt Company"? Do you plan to work in the regions? – Of course, regions of interest to us. But Moscow, Russia as the largest metropolis in which our business is most in demand and has a high rate of return continues to be a priority. We confidently look to the future and ready to tackle new challenges. E-mail for additional information and questions about the collaboration:

Types of Wooden Houses

Wooden house. Wooden spatial designs. The main types. All engineering designs of wooden houses, wooden are spatial, but many of them to simplify the calculations are divided into separate flat systems, working independently of one another. For example, when calculating the wooden roof trusses, interconnected structure of wooden roof and the special bonds, each farm is considered as self-flat system. In this case, not only ignored the possibility of temporary load redistribution between individual farms, but attendance at each farm building envelope. By properly space systems include engineering design, in which work items are not in the same plane. In the calculation of such systems usually take into account the work load-bearing elements in various planes.

In spatial systems, wooden coating of wooden houses, which include a variety of arches and domes, in many cases, also takes into account the work of decking and purlins, which in the calculation of planar systems treated as auxiliary structures. The combination of protecting and supporting functions tend to vaults and domes with solid flooring workers. Premises, overlain by the spatial timber designs, plans may have a rectangular, square, polygonal or circular shape. The shape of the surface of the spatial system of wooden houses can be divided into cylindrical, folded, conical and spherical. At the intersection of cylindrical surfaces can also be produced and stocked crusades shell. By way of bearing distinguished: shells supported mainly by the longitudinal walls (spacers cylindrical vaults); bezraspornye cylindrical shells and folds, simply supported on the end walls, cross vaults, simply supported at the corners of the building, closed vault, simply supported on the walls and the dome with a bearing predominantly on a contour. On hardness spatial systems are divided into thin-walled and ribbed. Depending on the method of combining the elements and their mutual arrangement distinguish solid and mesh-dimensional structure.

Not all wooden structures, called spatial, fully satisfy the above requirements. There are some design covers, elements of which are not in one plane, but at the same time they are easily subdivided into separate flat systems capable of because of its stiffness to take care of all the external load. Such designs are in the form of spatial, and under the terms of his flat. These include design, three-hinged arches are formed from intersecting in the castle hinge and simply supported on walls or foundations. Depending on the type of plan and arches can be obtained by coating different shape. In these constructions, flooring and runs performed the same role as in coatings for flat joists. By spatial structures, which in the calculation can be separated into conventional flat system (arch) are sets of spacers (mesh and solid).