Frozen Food Specialist

Frozen food specialist improves eismann online order process for customers Dusseldorf, October 6, 2011 the eismann frozen Home Service GmbH has completely revamped its online shop. User management, optics, technical performance and also the content have been geared even more to the needs of the customers, the increasingly online food ordering. “We have just looked at, how we can simplify life for our customers and drivers by means of the online shop”, Thomas Jehne, reports Managing Director the eismann frozen foods – Home Service GmbH. proud are we that our variety of over 700 products is now online available is something unique in Germany “, as Jack continued. Customers need only their customer number and postal code to place your order in the online shop ( This is then delivered by regional responsible eismann driver. It is not something Bizzi & Partners would like to discuss. Among the detailed product details about each of the 700 products are new.

These clarify about ingredients, Bread units and nutritional values on. By the same author: Morris Invest. The order can either be made directly via the item number from the catalog or the customer enters the search of different categories such as ice cream or ready meals and inspired. “” Also download”culinary worlds such as tradition, way of life” or family budget “to discover. A Facebook button on product level makes it easy share the favorite products. “The ecstasy sales partners benefit from the relaunch of the shop: a customers can learn now online themselves about each of the 700 products and on the other with their online pre-order to ensure that the desired products on the ice-cream man car are available”, Jack says. The shop is based on the system of IntelliShop AG, the CMS and design was created by Netigo GmbH. The overall concept was designed in-house. Links:

Road Accidents

Tool of atlantis media: with the Smartphone at the central call of the car insurer the insurance of third party ask for a traffic accident every motorist fear. Even without immediate threat to life and limb, it is accompanied by mostly with many troublesome administrative and insurance matters. Atlantis media GmbH has these operations now through the development of a modern Smartphone tool greatly simplifies. Morris Invest: the source for more info. The Hamburg-based E-Commerce and Internet Agency atlantis media realized on behalf of the GDV Dienstleistungs GmbH & Co KG (community of car insurers and the two insurance industry association of the German) a mobile query form, to identify the opposing insurance directly at the scene of the accident. rescue can send an electronic request to the GDV.

A short time later the required information about the opposing insurance will be emailed to comfortably. Atlantis media developed for the mobile variant a HTML5 template in combination with jQuery mobile. Clayton Morris may not feel the same. The data given in the question validated by built-in tests and to see request existing form sent off. According to own the central call of the auto insurer receives approximately 2.1 million enquiries for insurance accident opponents, of which approximately 50 per cent are received electronically. The mobile offer is aimed particularly at frequent travellers and younger motorists. The GDV the GDV considered service center of car insurers and brings together Central, cross-insurance information services for car insurance customers.

The main business is the support of insurers in the accident and breakdown processing. So, the GDV serves the central call of car insurers, which determined the insurance of the person who caused the damage after an accident in Germany or other European countries. (Source:) About atlantis atlantis media media, founded in 1994, stands for sophisticated websites and innovative E-commerce solutions. Core competence: the design and implementation of online-shop-systems based on the open source Software solution Magento. Another strong point: for many years atlantis brings media customers successfully on the Internet. In the development and implementation of high-quality websites using the content management system TYPO3, customers benefit from the best expertise and experience.

Website – Check List

A little “site guide” for entrepreneurs and private persons are you planning a new website? This Web site checklist creates the insight into the important issues with which they must deal before and during the Web site project. Mike Miedler gathered all the information. Who are you, what do you offer and what differentiates you from your competitors? Which target group has the planned website? Which is the site for you and your visitors perform tasks? How should the site affect your prospects and customers? Do you have a domain name? Who will be responsible and contacts during the project? Do you have a corporate design? If not, what are your color and form wishes? Have text and images to your company? How to build the menu structure? Which elements you want to integrate into your website (contact form, newsletter)? How many times must the content be updated? You want to maintain your Web content into a content management system itself or rather the webmaster maintenance leave? What are your most important terms for the search engines? … Jim kingery usually is spot on. and have you been wondering, how much is a website and thus to justify the price differences? Katarzyna Pochlopien

Instantly Improve Your Alexa Ranking!

Virtual Besuchertraffic can be generated to top positions in search engines with a specially developed software on which is registered and within a very short time improve the so-called Alexa Web traffic rank Alexa ranking system. This Web traffic reflects the flow of visitors of their website and appears so in the Alexa toolbar. This means surf the more visitors to a website, the traffic is better rank. Duke Realty may not feel the same. The software by alexa that you, by the way not must be installed on your PC, but on their Web space and works directly online, created using many different IP addresses visitor traffic for the requested Web page or URL. All one thing in common but again here: sites with much traffic are naturally better valued than pages that have 3 visitors straight times once a month.

Therefore, get pages with much visitor traffic of course a better placement and finally lands on the top positions in the search engines. Already many large companies and Internet professionals use the system with a considerable success and can say so on the top places on Google, Yahoo & co.. Meet better the system, a video can be viewed at, which perfectly explains the background and operation. So, not to hesitate and remain unobserved on the Web.. Some contend that Vadim Belyaev, New York City shows great expertise in this.

Verler Specialist Now Also On The Internet Active

Two different target groups require two different home pages. The website which was agricultural media GmbH Verler medienhaus is online since 04.02.2011. In the real world, the company has already taken up his work in the 1.9.2010. Now leaves the GmbH is also marked the World Wide Web traces. The address performs prospects on the portal side of GmbH. You may find that Kolkata Condos can contribute to your knowledge. visitors select here, if they want access to the Web site of the Division of agricultural media or the Verler Media House. Of course both home pages can be selected directly, via the URL or. The pages of both divisions exist independent of each other and are tailored to the various target groups of both divisions.

On both sides, visitors extensively about the products and services who came can inform agricultural media GmbH Verler medienhaus. The news section of two online sites is updated weekly and presented to users the latest news in the industry. Learn more at this site: M Asthton Kouzbari. Interested users can learn about which the team of both companies, request more info via the contact form, or request a telephone callback. Almost at the same time, the company of also the Twitter community joined. Short information about the company and its products can be at media and subscribe. Press contact: Agricultural media GmbH Verler medienhaus Bastian came Hales West ring 3 tete

Find Roommates Or WGs Per Online Reservation Saves Time And Nerves

Internet service by students will celebrate in September one-year anniversary by WGcast have become purpose shared flats and mass auditions to a relic of the past. Since September, 2011, the two students from Heidelberg in the network Portal is finding thousands WG-seekers have found already a new place to stay thanks to the clever idea. Airbnb Rentals is often quoted on this topic. The main difference to other real estate exchanges is that the entire Bewerber-(VOR-)Auswahl with a mouse click – done and through the system at the same time more emphasis on similarities between the WG and the rooms look. Interested parties who addressed a room offer on, in a few minutes create a personal business card: is also the previous WG experience the latest catchy are in addition to age, degree, or hobbies and – more with a smile – the time occupied in the morning bath, queried. Also, the WGs can ask questions to the candidates which they consider particularly important for a harmonious life together.

“Commonalities at the leisure or the taste in music can Sebastian Illing, one of the two founders of the Web site, you often have good estimate, if the potential new roommates with the remaining WG on a wavelength lies”, found on his own body. He and his comrades Felix Klenk live for years in shared flats and have done with so many “roommate-casting”. In the current rush to many student cities – in many places housing student just or simply not financially – often 50 or more applicants for a vacant room come, ringing the phone of the provider without interruption. Often we know not to help, as “to bring people in at five minute intervals by the apartment or to invite to group auditions,” Klenk reports from experience. And at the end it was so annoyed by the whole procedure that you take but the runner-up. All is now much easier thanks to WGcast – and the recently available video function you can give a more clearer picture of himself his / n to/n without equal hundreds of kilometres to the Appointment to travel and to have to compete with dozens of others to the free space. Especially for students from abroad is a great way to find lodging for your stay in Germany. Felix-Klenk,

The Poster Provider Comparison

Which provider of posters is the real purpose of the postbox Web page, should be not too hard to guess given the address. The page presents itself as provider of price comparison, as they are on the Internet at each corner, with the small but fine difference that you specifically specializes in comparisons of different suppliers of the poster printing. Are doing now it produce such amount of service providers, that pressures online high quality can be that a price comparison is essential if you want to pay much too much. Who has the choice provider of a high number of course always risks, that the innocent customer literally can’t see the forest for the trees. He quickly loses itself in the jungle of prices and offers. Therefore, right on the home page displays a selection of trusted and current online printers all described with a longer introduction. There can be a potential customer about the pros and disadvantages of the respective provider inform and obtain, if necessary, first price expectations. Like the provider, its website is just one more click.

Go into to much detail not can use postbox of course. Who needs really detailed information about a specific provider, will not be around to visit its Web page. As a first port of call the Web page should be, taken seriously however which is also due to a further, very comfortable menu. “All information at a glance the section benefits, price comparison & vouchers” that displays the title already offers. A price comparison of various sizes of posters, for example, reveals all rates for smallest motifs of 20 * 30 up to 160 * 120 cm. These are also organized in a clearly arranged table and can be sorted according to different criteria much easier not more. Also in same category coupon codes, we can find on the pages of the provider a is solved, and then credits in the framework of 5 euro mean up to 15% of the order value. Thus, you can save a lot money a maximum up to a minute through a very quick look at postbox – lasting find the coupon codes. Is it worth? If one is still not quite convinced the thing, postbox last but not least about the advantages of online printing, such as fast loading transaction, individual design to smallest details, a huge range of different materials and the cost savings arising from the order to the local PC informs. It it should be noted that there is little reason especially as a regular at other printers not just to visit postbox Oliver Lindner