Civil marriage is an important creation of the modern era. In these times where cultural changes have made to see people from one perspective more release everything related to marriage and to the union of persons in life together, civil marriage has become an important pillar of this kind of ideas. Civil marriage emerged as a solution to the old institution of the Catholic marriage that forced people to a whole series of rules and restrictions that do not make sense for many and that often meant an obstacle even to the happiness of couples and people who convivian in marriage. Perhaps the biggest obstacle that has religious marriage and the figure of the civil marriage of the modern era solves is the possibility of the couple to separate without negative consequences under the figure of the divorce. In fact, divorce is the possibility that opened civil marriage that a couple who no longer intend to live together in marriage can jam without any kind of moral tacha or sanction Special for doing it. The concept that enables the separation in the civil marriage that is in contrast with the concepts of religious marriage is that says that freedom of the will of the people is the more worthy than all gift we have. That act against the freedom of individuals when this does not affect anyone it is unnecessary damage and should be avoided as much as possible. Since people that join in a civil marriage joined in the exercise of their freedom, they also can disengage is also exercising his freedom in this aspect.
Provided that no damage is done to other people or they endanger other bigger things, it is possible that persons may exercise their freedom and this is what they based the civil marriage. Another important aspect that brought the civil marriage and that previously did not old religious marriage is the possibility of making the captitulaciones of goods. The capitulations of goods that may be performed by a civil marriage consist of a clause which stipulates that economic goods that get the couple during their State of newlyweds will not enter marriage as if they were common to the two goods, but that each one of the goods that the couple acquires will be obtained personally. This possibility that opened civil marriage saves many problems that were presenting with respect to the common assets of the couple who are joined in marriage. Indeed, the Division of property after the dissolution of the marriage is a complex process that takes many resources and effort the couple that wants to separate and with the capitulations can avoid many difficulties of this kind. Another advantage of civil marriage which does not bring religious marriage is that to marry through civil marriage law does not require special sacraments nor any other additional requirement to persons to marry. Only required them be citizens in the exercise, which is a relief that brings the civil marriage. We hope that this article about civil marriage will be of is and take the best decision regarding marriage original author and source of the article