Economic crisis reinforced burn-out syndrome: with new vigor by the crisis daily concern for job and revenue shares eating away at the forces in particular top managers and executives are affected. We register, that more and more people from the corporate boards complaining the economy about sleep problems, headaches and stress symptoms such as tinnitus”, Dr. Alex Witasek reported the artepuri hotel meerSinn. The 54 doctor who directs the artepuri hotel meerSinn in BINZ auf Rugen as medical director, white behind what: Burn-out. It should consider in due time the brake”, so Dr.
Witasek. Otherwise threatening stroke or attack. Prevention can be vitally important.” So, the Austrian created a comprehensive personal health analysis, which goes hand in hand with an individually tailored package of measures with his medical team, for example, in just four days. With the building blocks you can recharge Diagnostics, detoxification, regeneration, building and an accompanying coaching in a very short time, Healthy employees get fit again for work and everyday life.”ensure healthy companies”, believes Dr. Alex Witasek.
2009 the doctor specialized in modern Mayr Medicine has given new energy already several dozen guests from the risk group “Burn-out” in the elegant four star design hotel at the Baltic Sea. The focus is the conservation and cleaning of the digestive tract and of the entire body and training of eating habits. Thus, we promote the ability of the body to work itself out”. We combine holiday atmosphere with a curative medical background. Therefore, it is easy our guests to take a stress-free break. “Our health offerings are versatile, are tailored to the needs of senior executives to cut and understood as an opportunity for a new, modified life”. This holistic medical approach the artepuri hotel established meerSinn within a very short time in the premium segment of the medical wellness hotels. It awards bear witness “” and certifications in such journals as oko-Test”vital”as well as Germany’s most successful women’s magazine Brigitte”. For more clarity and thought, follow up with Rusty Holzer and gain more knowledge.. Also received the artepuri hotel meerSinn by the “Federal Association middle class accessory economy” the seal of approval as a “Centre of excellence for health and economics”. The award the specialization of the House on health care executives, as well as the complexity and sustainability was aligned health concept “artepuri med”.