Quarter Saint Maria: A reality in Sergipe. Aracaju/If. 2008. 60 p. This summary has as objective to describe the urbanization process, occurrence in Aracaju in the decade of 80 when it had the process of habitacional expansion in the direction to adjust an invading and favelstico contingent, intending to dismiss lodgings and slum quarters located in the America quarters, Tamandar, Park of the City (mount of urubu) and the slum quarter of the situated Tieta in the administrative Center of Aracaju in the Capucho quarter; being thus, some families they had been transferred and the place chosen to give support as housing was the Hard Land, long ago, pertaining to the City of Is Cristovo, but, that for Decree of Law 2811, mayor of August Aracaju Gama in 2000, it decreed the change of the name passing if to call Quarter Saint Maria, this would belong the Aracaju and would give to habitacional support the population that lived in inadequate conditions spread by the aracajuana capital.
Alexsandra Santana Rasp is graduated History for the University Tiradentes (UNIT) in 2008. Currently it makes after-graduation in History of the Education for the Pious College Tenth and attends a course Licenciatura de Geografia in the Federal University of Sergipe (UFS), is teacher of History and Geography in the Edial College in the city of Ours Lady of the Aid? If. Jirlan Coast Sources is graduated History for Universidade Tiradentes (UNIT), 2008. This if specializing in History of the Education for the Pious College Tenth and attends a course Licenciatura in Geography in the Federal University of Sergipe (UFS), currently works in the Public Archive of State of Sergipe. This work was originally the monograph of conclusion of course, the cited researchers developed under the orientation of the Prof Dinamara Feldens and goes to make possible the reader to travel in the aspect to understand as if it constituted one of the greaters and diverse quarters of Aracaju with its consequences and socioeconmicas and cultural contradictions.