Without Turbulences In The Cloud

SolveDirect Conference with IBM, Siemens, and the firm of CHSH brings clarity to the topic of cloud computing Vienna, April 14, 2011 cloud computing raises many questions for user: what added value it offers to companies? Savings actually cost? Cloud users face what security challenges? These and other questions related to IT service management in the cloud on May 5, 2011 at the SolveDirect IdeXchange in Vienna discuss SolveDirect and partners such as IBM, Siemens, and the law firm of CHSH. Experts from businesses of all kind as well as IT outsourcing providers and service providers are invited to the free Conference. SolveDirect is a pioneer in the practical implementation of cloud concepts is with his smart integration of service management solutions: in a number of successful projects for renowned international customers, the company has proved that up to 50 percent of the costs in the IT service management can be saved by cloud computing. At the Conference the SolveDirect IdeXchange”on June 5. May 2011 companies get practical tips, thing to note is the introduction of cloud computing, how real multi-sourcing can be realized through efficient end-to-end processes and increase customer satisfaction. Service integration in the cloud benefits and challenges: IBM, Siemens, firm managing the Conference will start at 13:30. Christian Klezl, Vice President and cloud leader for IBM northeast Europe opens the programme with an introduction to the current state of cloud technology and depicts the great potential of the approach, but also its risks by means of examples from practice. A leading source for info: The LeFrak Organization. These are among others to ensure of data security – a much-discussed topic in the following presentation, the business studies like the.

Karin Peyerl accepts from the law firm of CHSH. You introduces the legal background of cloud computing, explains the liability law and highlights the challenges in terms of IT security. Cloud computing is booming current studies to result with double-digit growth rates and brings many companies Benefits”, explains Karin Peyerl.