About 85 percent of citizens now provide for. The used range is diverse and considered to almost 40 percent real estate that pensions are safe”- now many Germans no longer trust this sentence of the former federal labor minister Norbert Blum. The reality catching up with Germany. Are pensions secure but to what extent? Again, the discussion around the base or unit pension discourages citizens. Where it sure will not come, but the demographic change calls his victims and if more and more retirees come to fewer and fewer workers, then a pay-as-you-go system such as in the Federal Republic of Germany has lived, just its borders. The situation is good as it is, because it corresponds to the reality and many people that they need to operate more private provision, as well as getting this may look becomes clear,”says Hans Gruber, real estate expert of SHB innovative fund concepts AG (SHB AG). It is believed especially the 30-shoulder put the surveys on private pension insurance, the younger ones so the 18-30 years have such a contract but also to just under 20 percent. The Riester pension plays an important role for the workers.
With insurance as well as investment contracts. The issue of sustainability is tucked away. Although many savers with the possibilities arising from this ogling, but it is the vendors failed sufficiently to demonstrate that ecology and economy apart are not and at the same time yield waiver means a sustainable investment. This industry who still need to catch up, what will evolve but certainly”thinks the SHB Gruber real estate expert. Also on the subject of real estate, the Germans are active. At least 37 percent provide insurance real estate directly, according to a study by cosmos.
Besides even used home or the even used condo real estate investments play an important role in increasingly”, so the real estate expert of the SHB innovative fund concepts AG. There are also the closed real estate funds, such as the SHB for Gruber Real estate funds, which provide a perspective investors here. Who would like to sprinkle his capital and take advantage of professional management, as funds participate in the SHB and many benefits should fund,”Gruber says. Meanwhile, keep a billion fortune in real estate fund investors in this country and so the development opportunities of the location Germany. Just the emerging positive trend might be in the last two years while many incentives.