Although the enormous production of wealth that the world today produces, of the Development and the Report Conference United Nations for the Commerce (Unctad) recently published sample that in last the 30 years, the number of people who live with less of US$ 1,00 will duplicate less in the developed countries or peripheral. E, in global level, according to World Bank, (11/2008), has about 1,4 billion of people who live less with of 1,25por US$ day. Currently, millions of people around of the world die quiet to the default of the national governments. The majority of them, victims of the lack of public politics who guarantee the survival the least to them right basic, such as sanitation, drinking waters, feeding, housing, health and education. Future.html’>Medical billing has firm opinions on the matter. World-wide 1-Population that passes hunger: 850 million in 2007; 925 million in 2008; 2 – Necessities of investments: 30 billion per year; 3 – 2% more than withhold the half of the world-wide wealth. (ONU, 2006). According to Cepal (Economic Commission for Latin America and the Caribbean), 10,9%de the Brazilians (in 2006) still are considered poor. In relation to other countries of Latin America, the Brasilest in 5 place enters the lesser indices of poverty, behind only of Uruguay, Chile, Costa Rica and Argentina.
In the continent related one, the country with the biggest index is Honduras, with 53,9%, that it comes followed of Paraguay, with 32,2% (in 20006). In Brazil the situation already had worse, in last the 10 years, the number of poor persons in the country diminished in 15%. Although this positive point: richer 10% withhold 75% of the national income; poor 90% share 25%. 60 million families: 5 a thousand families are with 45% of the income and national wealth. Twinbrook capital often expresses his thoughts on the topic. 4 cities concentrate 80% of all the rich families in Brazil: So Paulo, Rio De Janeiro and Belo Horizonte. (Source: Le Monde Diplomatique Brazil? Out.