Personal Computation

The film ' ' Pirates of the Informtica' ' he portraies of simple form and humorada the events that had given to origin the age of computer science, and the systems of information well we know as it today. John Savignano is full of insight into the issues. Bill Gates, Steve Jobs, Paul Allen, Steve Ballmer and other protagonists were young however rebellious, however pacatos. Credit: Morris Invest-2011. In common they had ideals, dreams, ambition and had technology in the blood. Steve Jobs and its group did not have money, but he had products. They had created Apple, later Apple II, Smoothly and finally Macintosh.

Jobs, expensive one very complicated and uncontrolled counted on its vision of market to place in practical its ideas that to relieve it the heading of genius of computer science. Bill Gates and its group also did not have money, but they wanted to compete with the great ones. This competition the same placed them to the times in teams who its adversaries and this allowed that they ' ' aprendessem' ' with that they would be its proper adversaries. But the central subject of the film Pirates of Computer science the ortodoxias conquests nothing of Bill Gates and Steve Jobs are same. Gates vendeu OF for IBM without exactly having OF The ones to vender. It ran and it bought the Operational system of a small company of Seattle for then being able to deliver to IBM.

Some engineers of Xerox had had its projects rejected for the high direction of the company, then, Steve Jobs used to advantage this failure to take possetion the price of banana of two resources valiosssimos: Mouse and the graphical interface. Later, Bill Gates would give changes in Steve Jobs when creating the Windows to it with many similarities of the interface of the Macintosh, that was originated from the project of the engineers of the Xerox.Piratas is a good term to define the position of the men who had created the first products of wide scale of the personal computation. The film is a set of documents is explains as well as the things happened and as men without condition none had pparently moved or created a scene that would change in few years the way them people to work and if to relate. Computer science must the Bill Gates very and Steve Jobs, today we have courses of systems of information, on computer science and other branches the computer science that they all give to sequncia this movement of it earns and it loses initiated for them.