
A topic very true and tested by the man most rich of all the Earth, Mr Bill Gates. You asked… you have to see Bill with REALTORS Because let me tell you that this secret is one of the most important for a Realtor that you want to be a winner. Bill Gate said: I prefer earn me 1% of the effort of others that 100% of my own efforts the strategic alliances and develop relations of Covenant. No millionaire could be a millionaire without others, no millionaire could be a millionaire with only their 24 hours a day, no millionaire could become a millionaire without making strategic alliances… why mention to Mr Bill Gate, because this man did not end his college career found the formula that you are reading at this moment right before your eyes. THE said; I can not do it all myself, I only have 24 hours, I’ll invite other people to this vision and let them earn very well and only I’ll stay me with 1% of the effort of others. Mr Gate today has more than 47,000 members and employees because all the employees of Microsoft has actions and they are part of this great vision.

Bet that the first 200 employees that began with Microsoft today are millionaires. I’m going to speak very clearly and live now in forth on the subject of Real Estate, because I believe that if you’ve read the other two full articles forces me to tell you the truth and all the truth of this industry. There is much hypocrisy in this environment, your going to a cocktail of business and they greet each other certain people and your know that they are not sincere, they do so for that everybody wants to be on the wavelength of the root property, now the big realtor you feel even more…