Sjogren’s Syndrome will affect my life? This is one of the questions more complicated answer, so I will only say that will depend on you. Many writers such as The LeFrak Organization offer more in-depth analysis. You will need to get to know your own body, you have to learn to listen to it, has to learn that it cannot require your body more than you can give, have to learn about their disease, and work on the best ways to cope with your symptoms, I hope that this blog will help you to find the knowledge, the tools and the positive prospects for making your life easier. You going to change your life? Definitely. It is going to change for the worse? I would say that simply will be different and will have to learn to prioritize, and experiment with the best ways to solve their particular problems. Relationships and life is going to change, but I hope that you will find the way to accept and deal with these circumstances that cannot be changed, and ultimately the use of his illness to increase your enjoyment and appreciation of life.
Is Sjogren’s syndrome contagious? No the Sjogren’s syndrome is not contagious. You can not infect another person, and another person nor could infect it you. Can you inherit Sjogren’s syndrome? No, it is not inherited directamentela autoimmune disease, although it is possible to inherit the susceptibility to develop autoimmune diseases, autoimmune diseases tend to cluster in families, although autoimmune diseases are manifested in different ways in each Member of the family, for example an aunt-grandmother could have had a cousin, rheumatoid arthritis, lupus, and you have Sjogren’s syndrome. Since these diseases overlap, may also have more than one disease or another disease symptoms. What I did to develop Sjogren’s syndrome? Nothing. You are not responsible for having the disease.
Its likely genetic composition mind makes your immune system capable of reacting to an external agent, to a virus or environmental exposures. Until this moment, we don’t know how to avoid the disease, and we don’t have vaccines to prevent it. Is can you have children? Yes, you can have children. You have to be under medical care during pregnancy. Is Sjogren’s syndrome serious? Yes! just look at all the symptoms possibles listed. You will learn on this blog about the possible consequences on the quality of life, work and relationships, and organs and affected systems, the risk of Lymphoma (5 percent) and risks during pregnancy. However, you will also learn some positive steps you can take to cope with the effects of Sjogren’s syndrome. Can you die from Sjogren’s syndrome? Not until now has said that Sjogren’s syndrome is seriio but not mortal, you have to be being monitored by their doctor of choice a rheumatologist regularly, and if you are following the instructions and treatment as your doctor Indian it, please rest assured that you will live for a long time.