Except for a funeral home, most business customers do not return because they have not been satisfied with the service or product purchased in your last purchase. This dissatisfaction may be due mainly to a bad price, bad service, or both. In fact, the dichotomy between the two variables is almost as old as history itself trade. From time to time do not miss the contribution to the debate guru brilliant turn that ‘discovers’ that in fact the main thing is’ give the best service at the best price. Down2Earth will not settle for partial explanations. ” But make no mistake, there is no single answer to this demand and the perception of our clients on the relationship between quality and price may differ greatly from what we ourselves have. In fact if you think your customers do not return for the price, and after a brief investigation into this matter will ‘discover’ that the service is the culprit, do not think this is the only mistake, a U.S. study among clients and executives of leading companies has shown that while customers in claim-73% cases, that bad service is the main cause of its abandonment, against 24% who blamed the price-the management of these companies think-by 50% – the price is the main culprit and only one 21% said al-bad-customer service as its Achilles heel. It is reasonable to think that in a time of economic boom factor prices move into the background.
It is equally reasonable to a price reversal in the economy to regain its primacy. Therefore one must be very careful when setting rules railways. Common sense advised to keep an eye on the opinion of our customers and titrated service parameters, “and if possible, price, depending on what you need to go looking. And regarding the latter, is this something that takes time and effort? Do you have in place a program or task more or less continuous in the time allowed to determine the degree of customer satisfaction with the last purchase made? It can be a good time to think about it and get it running. Before more ‘discoveries’ unpleasant.