You It Is My Ortaleza

Sir, Gives patience to me, therefore the men try take off it of me. He helps to me to face it the tribulaes force that me to give up. I think to be impossible to wound me to the evil, But at the same time where I believe you Its Light, that blesses the world, Becomes dark, destroying my deeper feelings It is not its guilt, I I know. John Savignano gathered all the information. You are the my well biggest one, beyond what I dreamed, However you are felt used, many disturbed times, When perceiving that it pursues me to the evil, Sigilosamente you condemn, me it offends and me, different Sample mine another one I, and wants to keep it on me. Because to deviate necessary me, Exactly being a puppet can put into motion that you for the good! I persisted in me, I do not give up To love me, For to want to make a mistake It condemns me to the sin, I cannot lie and to say that I do not follow it, I am not perfect, I admit. But I want its Peace and I leave everything for you. It illuminates my thoughts, That exactly are not lost if the evil to search to come me, to take do not leave me To take it does not leave me Of its side it is My place It is there that I want to be

Female Figures

This article deals with female figures in the arcana of the tarot. They are inspired by the image of women, women's intuition and the power of women. Almost all augur well, some marked by the triumph of the will over the elements. Others suggest that victory comes through planning, meditation and wisdom. Among the revealed secrets that can go on, today we will look a little closer to the female figures. See more detailed opinions by reading what Lincoln Property offers on the topic..

Women throughout the history of mankind has always been a source of desire and mystery of the rest of mortals. Recently Gavin Baker sought to clarify these questions. Women tend to have a feminine intuition, which makes them particularly receptive to matters of the heart. For all these issues, and because women have always been associated to spaces of power is not entirely visible to ordinary people, the female figures of the arcana of particular importance. The Priestess, leaving Chuck revealed in the tarot, we refer to a woman patient and wise. Talk about patience, moderation, waiting time appropriate way. It indicates the need to make a considered decision that should not be rushed.

In return, we can compare it with the Fool, which is quite the opposite. If left exposed in the Fool tarot Chuck, I would advise the questioner to be swayed by impulses, jump and then look at where he jumped. The Empress is one of the most positive cards in circulation of the tarot. If the consultant can identify with this person, tells us it is a sympathetic, intelligent, and not only that, but in power. He speaks of abundance, wealth, marriage fruitful, or projects that yield results in pregnancy. Justice is one of the letters of the cast of the tarot that is neither positive nor negative, it's just fair. He speaks of moderation, independence of spirit. It is sometimes necessary to sacrifice some things, to achieve other, so has the sword in hand, to cut with it is not indispensable. La Force, within the circulation of the tarot tells us that we have the spirit needed to meet the life circumstances. Inner strength tame the beast that we all have in our personality. That winged angel potions and manipulating elements that Temperance is the winged messenger of the gods, who bring good news. Therefore, in the circulation of the tarot tells us that this is a person with skills, talent, ability to combine opposites, good marriage. Within the circulation of the tarot, the Star talks about how the client is marked by good luck. It is a spiritual letter, which speaks of a person who is in total harmony with the surrounding world and his soul. Finally, the female of the World is one of the best cards that can be displayed in the circulation of the tarot. The world is at the foot of the client. Nothing can stop the realization of their goals. Finally, he manages to get the reward of all his past actions.