Advanced Projects

The Pentagon recognizes that it does not manage to control it. This Thursday realised tests and the apparatus was lost in the ocean. It can reach speeds 20 times majors to the one of the sound. The Pentagon sent to east Thursday to the space Falcon HTV-2, the fastest airplane never constructed, to prove it, but it lost the control of the airship. According to the initial datas, the apparatus sank in the Pacific. Falcon HTV-2, driven by a rocket from the air base of Vanderberg (Californian), picked up data for more than nine minutes until an anomaly inflict casualties of the signal, informed in an official notice the Agency of Investigation into Advanced Projects into Dnsa into the USA (DARPA).

The agency of the Pentagon relayed by means of the social network Twitter the second and last test of the Falcon HTV-2, that can reach speeds 20 times majors to the one of the sound. The airship was put under another test in April of the past year but the mission had to be aborted nine minutes after the takeoff when detecting itself a failure technician during the launching. After this attempt, the engineers modified the design and the landlords of flight of the airplane. Nevertheless, the mission has returned to fail and the Pentagon follows without " to know how how to secure the control wished during the aerodynamic phase of vuelo". " He is amazing. But we trusted that there is a solution, we have encontrarla" , the Department of Dnsa of the USA recognized. Source of the news: The Falcon HTV-2, the fastest airplane never constructed, sink in the Pacific

National Institute

Nevertheless, with respect to April of 2011 the prices do not vary. The index of Fotocasa indicates that the rents lowered a 0.6% in May compared with the previous month. The rents have raised slightly in the last year but below the inflation. According to the National Institute of Estadstica (INE), the price of the rent of the house increased the 1.1% in May with respect to the same month of the previous year, and so it stays below the inflation, that it was increased until 3.5% in the fourth month of the year. So stable is the rent market that the shades according to different ” termmetro” that it is chosen they are small.

The NSI considers that the price of the rent in May has not undergone variation with respect to April and the real estate vestibule indicates that the rents have lowered as soon as a 0.6% in May. The official data reflect the stability that lives the price on the house renting, that increases very slowly from the past month of June, when 0.9% grew, the smaller rate of the historical one of the organism that picks up the data from 2003. The increase of the rents has been stopped from 2009 beginnings, when it surpassed inter-annual 4%. Until March of 2010, the price of the rent stayed over the IPC, that it had undertaken as well a bullish footpath in November of the previous year. Catalonia and Basque Country, majors raised According to the NSI, by communities, Catalonia and Basque Country were the regions in which the house rent get dearer more (1.5%), followed of Andalusia and Galicia (1.3%) and Aragon, the Balearics, the Canary Islands and Cantabria (1.1%).