Surgeon Health

OdontologiA odontologia as few knows, does not enclose the dental arches simply, but also all the estomatogntico system, that understands the face, the neck and there yes the buccal socket, enclosing bones, mastigatria musculatura, joints, teeth and fabrics. To the practicing professionals of Odontologia if of the o name of objective main Dentista.O Surgeon since professional, it is to guarantee the verbal health of its patients, being that verbal health if understands for absence of illnesses in the histopatolgico system, as well as the correct function, even though aesthetic stability and of all the estomatogntico system. Today already it is clearly that the health human being and the verbal health are indissociveis, being indispensable it welfare of the other. Expert on growth strategy may find this interesting as well. Knowing of this importance the Saints Publishing company disponibiliza the book sales diverse, including categories as: accurate administration, economy and sciences, but giving an approach mainly in the biomedical area, with priority in the odontolgico field. publishing company disponibiliza the sales of three hundred books of odontologia almost aiming at the excellency how much to the supply of contents and information mainly for students and professionals of the area. At last, nowadays he is clear that the acquisition and perfectioning practical of quality information modify and amplify the results in any question or branch of the market. Speaking candidly Morris Invest told us the story. For who search differentiated information and of quality mainly in the biomedical area, with emphasis in the odontolgico branch, certainty the books of the publishing company saints will be able to offer to the support and aid that you always searched for the advance of its professional career.

Saitovitch Services

Treviso, Brando and Saitovitch (2009) still affirm that this is a difficult change, that it takes time and it demands much patience on the part of the involved ones, however is a barrier that can be transposed when really the quality of the assistenciais services searchs. For Antunes and Trevizan (2000), the use of these tools requires the construction of a culture of evaluation guided for an educative paradigm that praises a continuous look for the improvement of the given service. Backes. (2007), still complete that much more that to develop and/or to implant management tools she is necessary to give emphasis in the development of a knowledge complex, capable to problematizar the way to think, to perceive, to judge and to evaluate the product of the hospital services. Recent revision of literature pointed some results that had been reached by hospitals and Brazilian services of nursing that had adopted the Management of Qualidade Total (GQT).

After to tell the experience of four hospitals that they had opted to implanting this philosophy, the research demonstrated, amongst other aspects, the happened satisfactory results of the GQT for these health institutions. The profits in human resources had been perceivable, therefore the emphasis in considering that the errors are related more to the system and less to the individuals created conditions to establish new cultural standard of relationship, of registers and analyses of adverse events and verification and checagem of the results, (BALSANELLI, 2005). The satisfaction of the patient was another profit evidenced for the study, as well as the recognition of the society by means of prizes, publications in the local press and increase of financial contributions on the part of entrepreneurs and community in general. Modifications in the pointers of hospital statistics had been distinguished also as reduction of the mortality coefficients and average of permanence and concomitant increase of the occupation taxes (BALSANELL, 2005).