Real Estate And Credit

Learn to live on credit. U.S. is the biggest debtor in the world. USA's richest country. The secret of success is that States are able to live in debt.

Nobody in the world does not work with the money better than the Americans. U.S. model of how to live in debt. Debts, there are other countries in the African example. But Africa to set an example, it is like to amuse the laces of my shoes. At the micro level, the same picture. Some cats are living in butter, use credit, and other barely make ends meet and take a loan to get another one.

What is the reason why this social injustice. I think that there is no injustice. All very true. We must learn to live in debt and do not hesitate to fight for their material well-being. Plan your blagopoluchie.Opredelite their personal financial goals for the next five years. What you want imet.Opredelite how much money you should earn and what prospects do you have on your work, or in your direction biznesa.Kogda for you to be clear that we must do for the financial well-being, today and tomorrow and tomorrow. – 30% uspeha.Kogda you begin to realize in practice, that you realize – that's 69% uspeha.Odin percent – for good luck. And for those who know what to do – good luck will come. Credit can be taken if: When the monthly payments on servicing the loan for each family member must be at least 15 thousand (as at February 2010). If families do not have something must be at least 20 thousand rub.Esli you focus on what your revenue will be rasti.Esli to loan money you buy durable goods, real estate, or repair are important to you obektov.Esli to loan money you get, what can resell at a premium of at least 30%. If the money is needed for your well being (credit of treatment, cosmetology) If the credit money you decide to get an education or the education of children. Live happily in debt and with the mind. Mortgage broker – Real RSE.

Mortgaged Property

According to European experts, today – the most notorious and much-predicted peak activity of the global financial crisis … and it's time to gleefully rub their hands to those who Pricop still some money for a rainy day … It now quite profitable to buy an apartment, country cottage, car, antiques and jewelry. Having examined the relevant information, we see firsthand that the banks are actively selling off the collateral. Moreover, the choice of goods (or, as many say lots) is really huge. . Take it – do not want …

or it would be better to say: take it, if only the money left. Although, by the way, all the "blood" vending confiscated "not eat" … And yet, let's in order. To begin with, that has the greatest demand in the market. This is, undoubtedly, residential real estate and personal vehicles. Analyze further … will outline the situations in which the confiscated property is sold.

In the first If a mutual agreement between the bank and the borrower, in which one party wants to quickly get a credit, settle with creditors, and the second – to repay the debt by means of "least resistance". There is another case where the financial structure of the mortgaged property confiscated in order to sell it to pay off debts. Considering the two situations are not difficult to understand that the cost of the car or an apartment directly proportional to the percentage of intractability of the bank and the lender: In the first case, the bank and the plaintiff would seek to sell the mortgaged property as expensive as possible (so that each party receives its share of profits), while in the second to According to the debtor's particularly no one listens – the bank seek to hurry to part with credit meters, so the implementation is at the lowest price – only to cover the debt to the bank. It is quite clear that similar approach is much more profitable to purchase the same villa at a price that is several times less than the market value of the property. People who have savings under the pillow, try to buy mortgage car or home. The reason is quite simple – the relatively low prices today and the unstable future of tomorrow – after the presidential election. And to add here yet and the decision of the Verkhovna Rada on banning judicial forfeiture banks have homes careless lenders – and emerges a fun flat. There will be confiscated – will not be "nice" to the public prices. Elections are held – again, go mess with foreign currency and, then again, the price of collateral (mostly flat) "crawl" up. When using materials from this page link to ZASTAVATORG.ORG required for Internet-editions – hyperlinks are not closed for indexing by search systems. 2010, Zastavatorg