Sales Support

Due to the integrated connection from map & guide in SAP, a Frachkostenkalkulation with real distance data is possible a lot of data and work in sales have a geographical reference. Route planning, toll calculation or the display of maps can be in SAP integrated via Web services easily and securely and used. Many data in everyday sales have a geographical reference such as delivery addresses, customer or service locations. As a basis for the calculation of transport costs or to tour many companies use simple route planner in the Internet or even professional transport route planner map & guide, detached from SAP. Such routes planning provider services can be integrated with Web services simply and reliably as a function module in SAP. Here, james king expresses very clear opinions on the subject. The freight costs vary depending on the distance and the proportion of the toll sections of example pricing in the offer and order processing in SD. In the SAP standard is a variable distance-related calculation or even the discovery of toll routes not provided, only the deposit of fixed routes.

With a geocoding Web service, for example by map & guide, the route and the toll route can be calculated. Then, this data can be used in SAP for the freight cost calculation in the offer. The functioning of the geocoding Web service basically geocoding Web services can be requested via the Internet (for example, the map display with Google maps). Companies however it is common to install the software or the servers in the corporate network for security reasons. This software determines the geographical coordinates of addresses and calculates routes and maps can also be used for the route optimization.

Example, the toll calculation, the system sends to the server the address data of the delivered work and the place of delivery. This data exchange according to standardized parameters for both sending and receiving of data. The server processes the data as you want now, and sends back the route and the distance including the toll route. More application possibilities Sales-relevant information such as customer name, contact person, or order volume from the SAP system can be used with the address data, are then shown on the map. Missing data in the SAP system can be read automatically by the possibility of the selection and completion of addresses in the route planner. Data exchange in international standards technically use the widely used W3C standards such as http, XML and SOAP Web services for data exchange. The user of the service sends the required input and the service provider or server returns standardized the result. Existing system interfaces are encapsulated with XML/SOAP interfaces of the Web services. Thus, the determination of the result can be really independent of the used platforms, programming languages and protocols. The advantage: While the request to a remote server or an external system with the proprietary SAP RFC Protocol is not always easily designed, the establishment is.