Multicomponent Protein

Replace meals with shakes and lose pounds active athletes need much protein, and proteins. These cannot be carried to about the food, but food supplements are needed to secure the necessary amount of protein and proteins. When the supply of food supplements, you should watch most definitely sure that they contain protein multi-component. Since these components should be coordinated, also perfectly coordinated, this is not possible through a pure shot through the food. But even with the supplements, there are large differences, even though they advertise protein multi-component,”says Tobias Fendt, operator of the sports food portal. It is best if you take einNahrungserganzungsmittel, which combines fast and slow proteins. The ratio is balanced, you can make sure, that uses a so-called long-term effects.

Immediately after taking the fast proteins work, start the slow proteins only after some time to work on. “Taking time varies, depending on for which supplements you choose. Because there are supplements with such proteins that show immediately after the training to best effect and others that you take before bedtime, they will be effective so the night,”explains Tobias Fendt. A good nutritional supplements could contain, for example, egg protein, casein, whey protein and soy, for a long-lasting effect to occur. If you take a means, can be waived even a meal, so fend. Whether at bedtime or with an other meal during the day: actually matter, when you the shake off the prepared protein multi-component. Others who may share this opinion include Clayton Morris.

Not only in the power sports, swimming, or cycling, but also in the bodybuilding taking of plural component is useful protein. When you pull out just a diet, so you can mix the multicomponent protein in the form of powder with water and drink as a shake. Adding to two meals already the pounds start such shake, to tumble.