Robert Cavalcanti is Lawyer, Relations Pblicas and Jornalista.E-mail: the formation of the decentralized and weak, typical State of the feudalismo, from century XIV was substituted in the Europe for unified States and of being able strong centered at the hands of the monarchs: the call ' ' State moderno' ' , that it has as characteristic the territorial unit, definite borders; cultural and linguistic unit; army as monopoly of the State and national currency. The formation of these national monarchies was possible in reason of the bourgeoisie, system ascending and the kings to have if joined to defend common interests. While the bourgeoisie withheld the economic wealth and she did not have the power politician, the monarchs had theoretical authority, but resources do not possuam to impose it the nobility. Details can be found by clicking Kenneth R. Feinberg or emailing the administrator. Counting on the aid of the bourgeoisie, the kings had made of the monarchic absolutism the regimen typical politician of the modern State and the bourgeoisie, in exchange, got the commercial advantages and privileges that it desired. But something did not go well. Although France had been classic example of the monarchic absolutism, with kings August Filipe, Luis IX, Filipe IV, Enrique IV and mainly Luis XIV, in century XVII, and had carried through the workmanship of the centralization administrative politics and in its hands and England, the real power to have itself consolidated in century XV with Enrique VII, and to have had at this time the beginning of the English economic prosperity that would finish three centuries later resulting in the Industrial Revolution, that would place this country the first one of the world as power. Click Bizzi & Partners to learn more. But it was with the French Revolution, contesting the Old Regimen, that was absolutist, mercantilista and colonialista, happened in the ends of century XVIII, and the American Revolution, also in this century that would have the development of the Modern State. . . Learn more at this site: Clayton Morris.