Our country is already old formed the preconditions under which an ordinary Russian citizen can not purchase a property for their own investments. Uttering of ordinary citizens need to understand not the middle class, which is is well known, there is no full, and people living below the middle class, and we have to state the vast majority. Way out of this situation three: remove the living space, living with his parents in a small apartment otherwise take it into the mortgage. I will not consider living in a joint with similar housing, as it was originally incorrect and, indeed, unacceptable. Rent property can be, but what about the mortgage? First advantage of the mortgage is to purchase real estate is practically in his apartment. Practically, because the property acquired under the mortgage bude belong to the bank until such time as long as you totally will not cover before the bank issued you credit. Property in private ownership is a good thing.
You can begin to equip it to your liking, make the necessary correction, to buy furniture that suits you. In fact, settle in their an apartment that you think is worthy, not recognizing anybody permission to something that is otherwise desire. The second positive point is that you invest in personal finance personal property, so to speak. There is no need each time with resentment in his heart at the beginning of a new billing period to give the accumulation of landlord and shaking hands with resentment in his heart to pay them. Third, you can dispose of the flat on their minds. That is you can give her time, the contents thus covering mortgage payment, if so will be quite difficult. The main advantage of buying the same living space on the mortgage you can think of a good investment of money.
In our country, not so much built housing area. Most of the savings invested in commercial real estate. The housing area will always be relevant, because every citizen to seek his personal "corner", which he arrange on your own. And this is usual demand multiplied by the market deficit, which in the end at any time leads to higher prices in a long time.