"Two and a Half Men" – a famous American sitcom, which premiered on cbs television on Monday, 22 September 2003. Starring in the show performed by Charlie Sheen, Jon Cryer and Angus T. Jones. The plot develops about Charlie Harper (Charlie Sheen), a cheerful revelers who makes a living writing advertising tunes. Charlie lives in a beach house in Malibu, drives expensive cars and playfully soblazyaet most beautiful women in Los Angeles.
However, lighthearted throughout his life suddenly disrupted the appearance of his younger brother Alan (Jon Cryer), who was expelled from the house of his wife. In the load to his younger brother accompanied his son Jake (Angus T. Jones), not very smart and very chubby ten-year kid, spending much of his free time to eat, sleep, television and video games. To date, the creators of the series released six full seasons. March 18, 2009 cbs television reported sitcom that will last at least another three seasons.