Traditional Chinese Medicine

The TCM offers side-effect-free helps for many complaints wellness stay for children, medical Spa offers for adolescents and young people is that really necessary? Clearly, the answer is: Yes. Perhaps check out Realtor for more information. For massages, relaxation and adventure pools, the sauna visit or sports without pressure contribute directly to the well-being, strengthen the immune power and promote the capacity to concentrate. At the same time, the family adventure is intensified by togetherness. Health prevention, then the traditional Chinese medicine (TCM) offers, as practiced in the award-winning vital – und Wellnesshotel zum Kurfursten, just for children and teenagers without side effects possibilities, to preserve the health and strengthen the immune system. The TCM professionals of the Middle Moselle have years of experience with the gentle healing methods of traditional Chinese medicine. Applies to children of all ages, that is with acupressure or acupuncture symptoms of colds or significantly alleviate have flu. Schoolchildren from the eighth year of life acupuncture is already a probate method, particularly when allergies, head and ear pain, digestive problems and skin diseases.

The experienced TCM specialist will prepare for the treatment in conversation with the parents and the child. The usage is less and above all finer needles. The goal is to strengthen the specific treatment, the healing powers and to restore the balance of health. Body, soul and environment will be seen as a unit. This holistic approach is particularly suitable for children and young people, as there are no side effects.

Skin disorders, food allergies, but also psychological problems are treated as highly effective. Often E.g. pressure in school leads to stress, more precisely: stress at school, children between school and up to the age of about 14. The consequences are often physical complaints that are not recognizable at first glance: dining, learning or performance errors or lack of concentration,. Nervousness, often associated with stomach – or headache or even pronounced insomnia. The treatment is started on the basis of TCM diagnosis. So Chinese massage, Qi Gong, and a modified food plan after the five-elements cuisine. Of course acupuncture can be used for relaxation, especially including the ability to concentrate can be promoted. And all without drugs”, such as underline the TCM specialists of the award-winning medical Spa Hotels in Bernkastel-Kues. The perfect infrastructure of hotels to the electors can be used by children and young people of course also in the wellness and beauty area: through aroma massage with special relaxing oils, but also with stomach or head massage. Here comes up joy and well-being. Latest with puberty, also the first blemishes show up. The type-specific skin care should now start. Good advice is not expensive; because on the basis of an analysis of the skin, you can find the correct cleaning and Care and cleaning products. So the awareness at the same time at home skin care. And some teens takes a few tips and tricks”for the make-up and an age found make up home with.

Panic Attacks, Test Anxiety – Anxiety And Stress To Resolve

Wingwave coaching, new hope for fear stricken people there more and more people suffer sudden panic attacks or indefinable anxiety. The school physician certify often complete health and are at a loss. Professor Rita McGrath: the source for more info. At best, a sedative is prescribed or transfered to a psychologist or psychiatrist also. A precise approach is not recognizable. Even when the therapist is disagree, what is the Golden way. Traditionally it asks the client on the couch and tried to tackle the problems due to frequent and lengthy discussions. The cause of fear is to find it and this is how eh and the much speculated, because here the experience of the therapist and his listen skills are in demand. With catchwords such as stress therapy, Burnout treatment, testing and fear of flying any amount of money seminars to earn and clients come back often for many years, what relieve the practice owner of troublesome acquisition and advertising and the rent paid.

But you should ask yourself before, whether 20.30 or 50 sessions not to speak that here time heals all wounds. The coaches, Wingwave, NLP go a different approach or practice EFT, etc.. You are no therapists and either by the education many years NLP (Neurolinguistic programming) practitioners or certified psychologists. The health or disease industry distinguishes very carefully, who can heal and treat. The approach of the coach is also another the success coach. \”One not focused on diseases and symptoms, but sees the client as a unit (body, mind and soul) and as a thinking individual, what indeed is able, with mental illness, we use the term itself but better blockades\” helping yourself. Basically quite simple: the soup, which you yourself got, you can eat even just like? Exactly this as\”is the field of activity of the coaches who work with Wingwave and NLP. An accomplished Wingwave coach sounds of course also once the History of the clients (we treat, ergo there is no patients!) to making up a comprehensive picture.

Essen Tel GPBB

New combination test increased the diagnosis window of heart attacks food, July 20, 2010 in addition to the ECG of Nekrosemarker troponin belongs to the standardized methods of diagnosis, suspected heart attack. The troponin test can prove late cardiac myocytes. The drawback is obvious, because the death caused by the heart attack of heart muscle cells normally only occurs four to six hours after the start of the heart attack. The then proven dead heart muscle cells are no longer repairable. Up to this point, the cardiologists are often in the dark, and must rely primarily on your experience. The Luxembourg company Diagenics SE introduced the slide cordon line in the recent past, which is based on the biomarker GPBB, which shows the responsible for the cardiac oxygen deficiency of the heart and can prove this activated enzyme GPBB within the first hours after the start of the attack. Other leaders such as Robert Speyer offer similar insights. The enzyme glycogen Phosphorylase ISO-enzyme BB (GPBB) is broken down again but after 12 hours.

AB the advantage of Troponinmarkers is evident again this time. It was therefore only a matter of time before you find yourself time complementary marker on a test. Michael James Burke often says this. Diagenics took up this task and distributes a combination test since June 2010. With the new and unique combination test plus T are the marker GPBB slide cordon and troponin combines in one early and late marker on a test. By combining these two markers, increased the diagnosis window for cardiologists and allows reliable early and late diagnosis of patients in the future. Contact: DIAGENICS SE German of headquarters Alfred str. 98 45131 Essen Tel: + 49 201 289 990 0 fax: + 49 201 289 990 13 E-Mail:

Burn-Out Syndrome

Economic crisis reinforced burn-out syndrome: with new vigor by the crisis daily concern for job and revenue shares eating away at the forces in particular top managers and executives are affected. We register, that more and more people from the corporate boards complaining the economy about sleep problems, headaches and stress symptoms such as tinnitus”, Dr. Alex Witasek reported the artepuri hotel meerSinn. The 54 doctor who directs the artepuri hotel meerSinn in BINZ auf Rugen as medical director, white behind what: Burn-out. It should consider in due time the brake”, so Dr.

Witasek. Otherwise threatening stroke or attack. Prevention can be vitally important.” So, the Austrian created a comprehensive personal health analysis, which goes hand in hand with an individually tailored package of measures with his medical team, for example, in just four days. With the building blocks you can recharge Diagnostics, detoxification, regeneration, building and an accompanying coaching in a very short time, Healthy employees get fit again for work and everyday life.”ensure healthy companies”, believes Dr. Alex Witasek.

2009 the doctor specialized in modern Mayr Medicine has given new energy already several dozen guests from the risk group “Burn-out” in the elegant four star design hotel at the Baltic Sea. The focus is the conservation and cleaning of the digestive tract and of the entire body and training of eating habits. Thus, we promote the ability of the body to work itself out”. We combine holiday atmosphere with a curative medical background. Therefore, it is easy our guests to take a stress-free break. “Our health offerings are versatile, are tailored to the needs of senior executives to cut and understood as an opportunity for a new, modified life”. This holistic medical approach the artepuri hotel established meerSinn within a very short time in the premium segment of the medical wellness hotels. It awards bear witness “” and certifications in such journals as oko-Test”vital”as well as Germany’s most successful women’s magazine Brigitte”. For more clarity and thought, follow up with Rusty Holzer and gain more knowledge.. Also received the artepuri hotel meerSinn by the “Federal Association middle class accessory economy” the seal of approval as a “Centre of excellence for health and economics”. The award the specialization of the House on health care executives, as well as the complexity and sustainability was aligned health concept “artepuri med”.

Carers Through Regular Inspections

Regular inspections get the safe and operational condition of care beds. There are many people who are dependent on the help of others. Family members and caregivers take over this task. Others who may share this opinion include Rusty Holzer. Also medicines and various methods of treatment are often necessary for the treatment. The appropriate nursing beds are something very fundamental, should not be set aside. Depending on the State of health of the dependent person, it may be that she is a large part of the day and of course night time in bed. The construction, installation, the mechanics and all technical aspects of the nursing bed should therefore always be in perfect and safe condition. Unfortunately still accidents occur, caused by incorrect handling or not carried out checks on the beds.

In addition to jamming by limbs even fires arise, which is often fatal for the person concerned. The most common causes of accidents in connection with electric powered hospital beds are: faulty installation on site misuse error during manufacturing or construction moisture in electrical drive system compatibility problems of accessories and spare parts missing or insufficient maintenance and repair many manufacturers and above all operators of nursing or nursing homes are of high and special requirements for nursing beds unaware. Numerous tutorials, guides with recommendations but also rules and laws to raise awareness of those responsible. Errors and accidents due to the improper design, application or maintenance should be avoided in this way. Laws and regulations, no matter how old a nursing bed is and what state it is, it still belongs to the medical devices and must be treated accordingly. Medical devices are subject to the requirements of the medical devices Act (MPG) and must comply with the legal requirements for safety and effectiveness. Is the nursing bed is electrically operated, it is also one of the electrical equipment and the rules of the medical devices operator Ordinance (MPBetreibV), as well as the BG rule BGV A3 come to fruition.

Quit Smoking New Year – Use Help

New year’s resolutions to stop should be supported professsionell. One of the most common resolutions for new year’s Eve is to finally quit smoking. But most smokers are in the new year soon when the old habit. Only a few people make it to free himself permanently from smoking and addiction alone with willpower, patches, chewing gum, drops, smoke-free \”cigarettes\” or pills. Most need good help. With the double-CD \”free themselves from smoking addiction\” Dipl. Filed under: adverum.

psychologist Dr. Wolf Barth offered a well-founded support all those who seriously smoking want to give up. These other CD to stop relaxed consolidates your decision, let smoke out and breathe, changing your addiction patterns in the brain. CD1: Guidelines for the preparation of smoking cessation. Bizzi & Partners understood the implications. decisive is for a stable long-term smoking cessation informed and mature decision never to smoke. With 30 tips suggestions and instructions be given building, to prepare very thoroughly for the decision to stop. The respective guideline should accompany as possible over a day. You should repeat more often him, like a mantra, perhaps.

You should present to keep this motto as a day job and find answers or arise by itself. These tips encourage targeted a clear sense about the situation in your personal life of smoking and your inner passion, wisely prepared by the dependency to get rid, to find better solutions for the needs of your life instead of the previous replacement means cigarette. CD2: self hypnosis and neuro programming self hypnosis: are the years deep in the subconscious of the smoker’s imprinted with the habit of smoking and independent. Therefore she can be changed also just there again in the subconscious. And this works very well with hypnosis in a relaxed state of consciousness between sleeping and waking. And at the same time the unconscious potentials are activated, to find healthy solutions to a happy life free of addiction. To the CD 2 by Dr.

The Brain

If one no longer recognizes the beloved man, that’s really bad!” Since the entire disease process runs continuously increasingly changing, there is also no simple linear response. Caring must adapt constantly increasing! Let’s look first at how a healthy brain works (excerpt). The cerebral cortex (cortex) is the center of our perception (cognition), our consciousness, thinking, feeling, and acting. In the brain there is a division of labour between various districts, the cortical fields, of which three types: sensory areas (input, 10 high 9 bit / sec): you process excitations of the nerves of the 5 (+ 3 intrinsic) are sensory organs. Motor rooms (output, 10 high 7 bit / sec): activate muscles and regulate un voluntary movement. Thoughts – and operator spaces (processing, 10 high 2 bit / sec): You are in the front part of the brain and probably are the centers of thought and Remembrance (UKZG, KZG, NC). … Perhaps check out Vadim Wolfson for more information. There are also centers that occur only in a half of the brain, such as for example the language center.

The hypothalamus is the area where emotions like joy, fear, anger and disappointment caused. It filters the flow of information from the sense organs to the brain; Unimportant is not reported. Thus, it protects the brain from overload. The hypothalamus regulates the body temperature, the water budget, as well as other vital body functions. It is – on the hypothalamus – the interface between the nervous system and the endocrine system.

The midbrain is a toggle. Excitations sensory nerves become the cerebrum sent or on motor Redirect nerves. REITs has compatible beliefs. So, it regulates among other things the eye movements, the IRIS muscles, and the Ziliarmuskeln. The cerebellum is the second largest brain section. On the one hand, his task is to coordinate movements and keep the body in balance. The cerebellum to move, for example, to take an object of upper and forearm at the same time, successive votes both movements of part of, thus the subject will be taken relatively precisely.