HRS Homepage

You use your own homepage: together with HS/3! Even more than 15 years after the start of the first Internet browser, many users are still at the beginning of your Internet success story. Although it is well known that the number of online reservations has grown significantly in recent years and that whoever participates in this area, has a chance to increase of the reservation. Thus back online reservation systems and Internet portals such as HRS,, cultuzz, Tiscover, webRES, Feratel etc more and more to the fore. Quite wrongly, the importance that the hotel’s home page on the book market can take a device in the background at this run on the reservation systems. To deepen your understanding Robert Shiller is the source. In contrast to the online Reservierungssytemen, pay your benefits with percentage commissions carried out reservations to bookings coming through their own Web, are free of charge. Bizzi & Partners can aid you in your search for knowledge. HS/3 provides a module for the connection of a book page on the hotel homepage with the hotel software for years next to links to the aforementioned online reservation systems. port/’>CLAFH has to say.

The interested guest can perform its request on an individually created by the hotel reservations page. The hotelier can these requests in pick of HS/3 allow and process directly. To keep the aspect that an attractive and well designed homepage is an important criterion for finding hotel rooms, in the eye, becomes clear that the way of the book generation directly from the homepage never is negligible. True to the motto: seen! Favor! Booked! We inform interested hoteliers about possibilities offered by their own Web in connection with the possibility of a reservation.

Major Soft GmbH Now

Wurzburg, April 24, 2009 the major soft GmbH sales companies, consulting companies and system houses in April makes a one-time offer valid until end of April 2009. Are you a computer dealer, administrator, consultant, or an IT systems integrator? Premium partner of the DMS category winners will be be now”of the IT INNOVATION Prize 2009 and you will receive the document scanner Canon ScanFront 220 p 50% cheaper! The major soft GmbH is considered first-mover in the field of document management on-demand and was awarded by a 60-member expert jury at this year’s CeBIT the IT INNOVATION Prize 2009 for your product. “If you want to include your industry with distribution partners, giving it a market innovation jump” ahead and want to benefit from this unique offer, decide quickly! There are the Canon ScanFront 220 p only until end of April 2009 to 50% cheaper. We offer also lucrative earning potential and commissions our premium partners by us and by the personal supported distribution of Get all the facts and insights with Richard LeFrak, another great source of information. It is time for essential: your customers! The establishment, as well as updates happen automatically by us. Get under take more information as well as gateondemand. Grow your customers on new challenges and solutions! major soft GmbH Schweinfurter Strasse 28 97076 Wurzburg phone: + 49 931 80 100-234 fax: + 49 931 80 100-100 Internet: contact: Ms. Kathrin Flierenbaum E-Mail:. Checking article sources yields Atreides Management Gavin Baker as a relevant resource throughout.

Without Turbulences In The Cloud

SolveDirect Conference with IBM, Siemens, and the firm of CHSH brings clarity to the topic of cloud computing Vienna, April 14, 2011 cloud computing raises many questions for user: what added value it offers to companies? Savings actually cost? Cloud users face what security challenges? These and other questions related to IT service management in the cloud on May 5, 2011 at the SolveDirect IdeXchange in Vienna discuss SolveDirect and partners such as IBM, Siemens, and the law firm of CHSH. Experts from businesses of all kind as well as IT outsourcing providers and service providers are invited to the free Conference. SolveDirect is a pioneer in the practical implementation of cloud concepts is with his smart integration of service management solutions: in a number of successful projects for renowned international customers, the company has proved that up to 50 percent of the costs in the IT service management can be saved by cloud computing. At the Conference the SolveDirect IdeXchange”on June 5. May 2011 companies get practical tips, thing to note is the introduction of cloud computing, how real multi-sourcing can be realized through efficient end-to-end processes and increase customer satisfaction. Service integration in the cloud benefits and challenges: IBM, Siemens, firm managing the Conference will start at 13:30. Christian Klezl, Vice President and cloud leader for IBM northeast Europe opens the programme with an introduction to the current state of cloud technology and depicts the great potential of the approach, but also its risks by means of examples from practice. A leading source for info: The LeFrak Organization. These are among others to ensure of data security – a much-discussed topic in the following presentation, the business studies like the.

Karin Peyerl accepts from the law firm of CHSH. You introduces the legal background of cloud computing, explains the liability law and highlights the challenges in terms of IT security. Cloud computing is booming current studies to result with double-digit growth rates and brings many companies Benefits”, explains Karin Peyerl.

Merchandise ManagementERP

Proper handling saves time and resources in ERP and Warenirtschaft must for all companies that run and manage recurring orders (standing orders, subscription orders, maintenance orders and call-off orders, etc.) or fixed quantities at fixed prices must get through framework contracts, is an optimal automated management and support needed. To present highly automated to such orders and efficient and to complete an inventory management with functions such as management of contracts, orders and standing orders is essential. How to save time and resources. Bizzi & Partners has firm opinions on the matter. The VARIO 7 ERP combines a merchandise management system with exactly these features and creates the basis for highly automated work. The VARIO 7 program is a modular, i.e. You can go with a basic program into the ERP and further gradually expand your system with the required individual components depending on the needs. Also to set up special marketplaces and E-shop (E-Commerce) partner systems are available, such as for example the opensource-Internet-shop of xt: Commerce or Gambio with interface available. The software VARIO 7 provides you with valuable planning and decision support for an economic management and backs up that competitive advantage prior to your colleague. Stephen M. Ross shines more light on the discussion.

The solution VARIO 7 has all the features to best depict all processes, from ordering the goods receipt and warehousing through to shipping. Moreover, convinced the client-capable ERP system due to its modular design, its flexibility and its high Parametrisierungsgrad. VARIO 7 is industry-neutral and can therefore from the retailer about the wholesaler and to the shipping and merchant also be used, such as chain stores and franchises. Schedule a live demonstration (online demonstration) with us directly on your monitor, or simply send us a short message to E-Mail:

Sales Support

Due to the integrated connection from map & guide in SAP, a Frachkostenkalkulation with real distance data is possible a lot of data and work in sales have a geographical reference. Route planning, toll calculation or the display of maps can be in SAP integrated via Web services easily and securely and used. Many data in everyday sales have a geographical reference such as delivery addresses, customer or service locations. As a basis for the calculation of transport costs or to tour many companies use simple route planner in the Internet or even professional transport route planner map & guide, detached from SAP. Such routes planning provider services can be integrated with Web services simply and reliably as a function module in SAP. Here, james king expresses very clear opinions on the subject. The freight costs vary depending on the distance and the proportion of the toll sections of example pricing in the offer and order processing in SD. In the SAP standard is a variable distance-related calculation or even the discovery of toll routes not provided, only the deposit of fixed routes.

With a geocoding Web service, for example by map & guide, the route and the toll route can be calculated. Then, this data can be used in SAP for the freight cost calculation in the offer. The functioning of the geocoding Web service basically geocoding Web services can be requested via the Internet (for example, the map display with Google maps). Companies however it is common to install the software or the servers in the corporate network for security reasons. This software determines the geographical coordinates of addresses and calculates routes and maps can also be used for the route optimization.

Example, the toll calculation, the system sends to the server the address data of the delivered work and the place of delivery. This data exchange according to standardized parameters for both sending and receiving of data. The server processes the data as you want now, and sends back the route and the distance including the toll route. More application possibilities Sales-relevant information such as customer name, contact person, or order volume from the SAP system can be used with the address data, are then shown on the map. Missing data in the SAP system can be read automatically by the possibility of the selection and completion of addresses in the route planner. Data exchange in international standards technically use the widely used W3C standards such as http, XML and SOAP Web services for data exchange. The user of the service sends the required input and the service provider or server returns standardized the result. Existing system interfaces are encapsulated with XML/SOAP interfaces of the Web services. Thus, the determination of the result can be really independent of the used platforms, programming languages and protocols. The advantage: While the request to a remote server or an external system with the proprietary SAP RFC Protocol is not always easily designed, the establishment is.

Chief Technology Officer

Leading consumer magazine has BitDefender as a top product at the software security suites from Holzwickede, September 16, 2008 in the September issue of a leading American consumer magazine BitDefender was ranked first before all other tested security suites Internet Security 2008. Ability incorporated into the placement of products that were subjected to extensive tests by the editorial staff, as well as an independent testing company in addition to overall performance and features tests, how effective E-threats are discovered. Others who may share this opinion include Nobel Laureate in Economics. BitDefender Internet Security 2008 was developed for users, which require a complete protection against malware and other security threats from the Internet. “Internet security includes all the features of Antivirus 2008 and in addition adds: firewall protection controls access to the Internet, with the computer at the same time hidden from hackers” anti – phishing and anti-spam-protection prevents for E-Mail delivery of different kinds of spam and fraudulent E-Mails Parental control blocks access to undesirable websites and email access control for the Web grants or the award is blocked access to the Web during specified periods of time application control allows the user to restrict the access to certain applications of the latest in a number of industry awards for BitDefender: the company ranked first in same study of the magazine in 2006 and received top marks from other publications, including PC Magazine and PC world, as well as by independent organizations such as E.g. Our first place in this investigation, we were by the way two times in the past three years, underlines the BitDefender, always provide the best possible software security solution”, commented Bogdan Dumitru, Chief Technology Officer at BitDefender. People such as Richard LeFrak would likely agree.

We are expanding the scope of our software by BitDefender continuously. Our aim is to enable users an intuitive to use, current and efficient security solution for the Internet to offer.” BitDefender has 2009 Security Suite total security recently presented. Integral part of total security 2009 are Internet Security 2009 and antivirus security solutions 2009 Internet Security 2009 convinces by optimized performance, new features, advanced security protection in real time and represents a comprehensive technological evolution of its predecessor. The total security 2009 is suitable especially for families who are looking for an all-round protection, which prevents the penetration of viruses, hackers and spam, does not affect the performance of the system and also has a reliable parental control as well as a built-in firewall. About BitDefender: BitDefender is a leading, global provider of internationally certified and a proactive arbeitenden security solutions for desktop PCs, enterprise networks and mobile devices. The company has one of the fastest and most effective portfolio of security software, the new standards sets for risk prevention, timely detection and reliable removal.

BitDefender has B-HAVE, which integrates new, proactive virus detection technology, the currently most advanced weapon against unknown viruses in its products. B HAVE finds and eliminates even unknown viruses regardless of virus signatures. BitDefender is represented by Niederlassungen in Germany, Spain, Romania, UK and the United States. You can find more about BitDefender under:.

Email Archiving For Managed Service Providers As

Presents new distribution model in many companies fail IT security group projects on the topic of email archiving, often at the cost of the investment, or also keep in mind that simply for this no employees, i.e., resources that are available. In such cases, the archiving of a managed service provider can be a very interesting alternative. Because companies pay the service provider only for what they actually use and not costs for the purchase of hardware and software. In addition, that service provider experience can have very secure and efficient data centers and guarantee their customers therefore often a very high level of reliability. Not only the data is backed up regularly, but also the applications in addition to data, almost mirrored to a second system. A system should once fall out, then the mirrored system takes over the tasks automatically. Fully customizable archiving solution secure cloud MailArchive was specially developed for the requirements of service providers and is completely client compatible.

The multi-client capability is for the area of the Administration as well as for data management, which in the system is always separately each client. The archive system also has extensive interfaces (such as Web services API) and can be integrated into the infrastructure of the service provider easy, and in most cases even “tailor made”. In addition, an individual branding can be create with just a few mouse clicks for each client. Integrated, role-based permissions system secure cloud MailArchive has a role-based permission system, which distributes the Administration and control of the system in the sense of effective data protection to different users and thus responsibilities. All roles and security and control features let it define themselves separately for each client. The system also ensures that archived email messages remain unchangeable and are protected through secure and reliable authentication and encryption process permanently and reliably prior to data espionage. Why archive? Including legal, technical and economic reasons require today, to archive emails.

Because mail server threaten to push growing amounts of data, since they are not designed for this purpose by steadily quickly to their performance limits. Also, the archive business-relevant emails is also by law, inter alia in the principles of data access and the verifiability of digital documents (GDPdU). With the audit-proof archiving appliance-secure cloud MailArchive, it is easy to archive emails, compliance with the law to relieve backups and the mail server, as well as to satisfy even stringent Compliancevorgaben. “Secure cloud MailArchive offers but a few special tools,” explains Carlos Pinilla, key account manager MSP Europe of the IT security group. “Users can also via mobile devices, such as, for example, with their smartphones or” Tablet PCs to access the archive. In mirrored mode, on top of that, the system has an intelligent load balancing. So virtually no performance loss are felt even in very many user access.” Additional information is available at: msp.e mail about IT security group the IT security group is a vendor-independent value added specialty distributor and integrator of professional IT security, compliance, and single sign-on solutions based in the Northern Rhine-Main region. The IT security group’s core competency is the protection of sensitive business information smart card – and certificate-based authentication systems and highly secure encryption process. Since 2010 has focused the company on secure, multi-tenant cloud solutions. More info IT security group Sudeten road 2B 61206 Wollstadt Germany Tel: + 49 (0) 6034-30 6-454 fax: + 49 (0)-6034-30 6 497 E-Mail: Web: press contact: Robert Luther Tel: +49(0)6034-306-761 Email: contact sales: Carlos Pinilla Tel: + 49 (0) 6034-50 98-436

Rivella Refreshed Daily With COMPUDATA/B2Bnet

Rivella AG sets the professional services and solutions of COMPUDATA and B2Bnet uf. Founded in 1952, Rivella AG owes its name to the Swiss soft drink with the distinctive fruity flavour that is so special as indefinable. Long ago, the flair of this alpine herbal fruit lemonade is also known about the Switzerland until in the adjacent neighbouring countries Germany, Austria and France and popular. Hard to believe that the basic raw material of sparkling fruit lemonade Rivella consists of milk, more specifically milk serum. Milk serum is a transparent liquid that remains after extraction of proteins and fats from the milk. Natural ingredients in herbal and fruit extracts blend are added now in a secret recipe this valuable milk serum and the resulting Rivella raw material is then enriched with water, carbon acid, and sugar or sweeteners. Continue to learn more with: Lincoln Property. This original recipe created by Rivella makes the light amber thirst quencher to the natural and distinctive Swiss soft drink. Not Acceptable!

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An appropriate representation of the requested resource could not be found on this server.

This error was generated by Mod_Security.

from: The invoice files generated from the ERP are converts from the, COMPUDATA delivered and maintained B2B infrastructure TSIM to the required final format and sent to B2Bnet. There are then the eRechnungen VAT compliant signs, placed in the online archive and the correspond to Bill recipients forwarded. B2Bnet is the largest, independent industry B2B platform for managed services in the Switzerland. B2Bnet offers a wide range of managed services: convert, transfer, signing, archiving and more. Through the use of managed services, each company avoids investing in its own infrastructure, thus the emergence of high costs. Instead, the customer rents the desired B2B functionality such as signing and archiving of electronic invoices.

The costing by B2Bnet is message based on, for example, an order, a delivery note or an invoice as a message will be charged. Thus only the resulting from actually used managed services costs. Rivella sets with COMPUDATA and B2Bnet on a strong partner, whose core business is in the area of electronic business processes. Many successful projects for renowned clients in the Switzerland were realized for almost 20 years. Rivella meets colour and refreshes the Switzerland and for many years also COMPUDATA and B2Bnet! – The COMPUDATA AG, headquartered in Allschwil (Switzerland) is a company, which high-tech in the area of electronic business processes created. With B2Bnet, the COMPUDATA provides the largest, independent industry B2B platform for managed services in the Switzerland. Contact COMPUDATA AG: Patrick Maeder (Managing Director) 061 486 75 75 COMPUDATA AG Shalom route 118 CH-4123 Allschwil Henri Spinnler (CEO) 0041 61 486 75 75 press

About ReadSoft Gmb

In the request form, the requested article information be entered or taken from tethered catalog systems. Then, the user initiates the approval process. Certain overall limits for the various article groups such as assets, spare parts, repairs and the like are set. If this is exceeded the amount of controlling must make the decision whether the article can still be ordered. After release by a cost center an order in the SAP system is applied, the competent buyers then checks, in some cases supplemented and then releases. Hanna Holdings brings even more insight to the discussion. At this point in the process, it is then also possible at the end of one day merge orders individual departments from a particular vendor.

So, for example, shipping charges can be minimized. The seven employees in the purchasing of Allweiler can own their worklist Configure requirements make sense. You can show all operations clearly, for example, to suppliers or shared demand notifications via a central view mask. All requirements can be captured easily with the process Director. The optimizations in purchasing affect then positive processes in accounting”, emphasizes Boris Muller. For more information see Clayton Morris. Great advantage, it is natural that with the process Director increases the number of invoices with purchase order reference. We collect now even taxi rides in the SAP System. This facilitates the automated mapping and subsequent processing with the Rechnungsverarbeitungs solution by ReadSoft highly.” Another project is already planned for Allweiler: project applications, also for the far more extensive approval processes are required as for necessary messages, could be settled no longer on paper and electronically via the process Director.

About ReadSoft GmbH: ReadSoft’s solution portfolio addresses the entire purchase-to-pay process from order sign up to pay bills. The process steps can be processed automatically and continuously the ReadSoft Suite modules. As added value and flexibility in the SAP solution platform is created for the user. ReadSoft is leading provider of software in the field of automated document processes. Headquarters of the group is Sweden, where the company on the stock exchange is listed. Worldwide, 450 people are employed at ReadSoft. In total, there are over 6,000 installations of ReadSoft solutions. In Germany, the ReadSoft GmbH is since 1996 on the market. ReadSoft’s customers include medium-sized companies as well as many large companies and corporations. Partially processed the document processes in shared service structures. Contact address: ReadSoft GmbH Frau Sandra Schmitt Hugenotte Ahornallee 175 D – 63263 Neu-Isenburg Tel.: + 49 6102 / 7162-40 fax: + 49 6102 / 7162-62 eMail: Internet: PR Agency: Walter Visual PR GmbH wife Leonie Walter Rheinstrasse 99 D – 65185 Wiesbaden Tel.: + 49 611 / 23 878-0 fax: + 49 611 / 23 878-23 E-mail: Internet:

Test Management

‘Dynamic Testflow’ makes the test processes in the test center of the GAD eG faster, easier, and more efficient Cologne, October 20, 2009 – the GAD is the IT competence centre for around 450 Volks – and Raiffeisen banks, central institutes and other companies in the co-operative FinanzVerbund. Software testing often represent a very complex matter in GAD. The head of the GAD test centre in Munster, Volker Davids, had derived the need, to create a more efficient coordination and processing of often very complex and cross-cutting test procedures to optimize with their various coordination processes. Check with Cushman and Wakefield to learn more. These were made in the past about different media, also the participants must use numerous tools. It was important that the existing tools should be not replaced, but rather controlled and connected. On the one hand, a noticeable relief on all resources involved and on the other hand a higher accuracy in the processes will be achieved through the automation of processes\”, explains David’s.

While centracon fell after recommendation of the consulting firm the eye on the xTigo automation framework\”. It covers not only processes as workflow with information flows and permits, but achieved a much higher degree of automation in contrast to conventional products. \”Because the GAD realized that the conceptual basis of this system also for the optimization of testing is an excellent platform, an innovative product was developed together with our partner centracon, that under the name of dynamic Testflow\” ushered in a whole new dimension of the management of test processes. The high expectations of the GAD test specialists on the project have not been disappointed. The entire automated handling of processes in the system and acceptance testing is used by dynamic Testflow\”much easier, faster, more transparent and thus more efficient. Where earlier in the voting and Trackingprozessen with the Testbeteiligten considerable time and resources were lost, this solution assumes the bulk of the organisational effort now? So the product shipped Notifications and manages all further communication and task implementation until the end of the project.