On October 2008, I opened my eyes. It was a Wednesday and I thought I was in heaven. Even the stars were shivering, and panting,still crying tears in the furrows close to the candles. Dr. Eusebio Palomino, my anesthesiologist, had already retired, I was in the ICU, had a COMA PHARMACOLOGICAL above, post Liver Transplantation. Sevorane was still intoxicated, Soda lime, inotropes, adrenaline, atropine and not know how many more drugs, for more than 12 hours of Trans-operative had passed me I do not know how many liters of Chlorides, Haemacel, bicarbonates, relaxants, corticosteroids, immunosuppressants I do not know how many grams of cephalosporins, thousands of liters of oxygen, was in a coma, was sedated, had a new liver … but there was awakening. Slowly I opened my eyes … my eyes looked at nothing, watching the mist on the new road, behind only the front had amnesia …
confusion reigned, seconds and more seconds passed and I began to wonder … Who am I, Where am I?, Kept passing minutes more minutes and kept asking What, What is this? I could not move, was everywhere catheters, dressings on the abdomen, pipe in mouth, was staring at nothing … when I wanted … I could not speak! I could move my hands, my legs, did not understand what happened … I tried and tried! … But did not understand, I began to move in bed, he felt no pain, no pain … he could see little, people dressed in green that move from one place to another and I attended.