
Summary This is an inquiry proposal on the construction of a cinematographic narrative arquitetada in the film the triumph of the Will, in which we look for to analyze as the image of Adolf Hitler was constructed in this film. The central objective of this research is to analyze step by step as a cinematographic production could transform the person of Hitler into the figure of fhrer, that is, that one that, according to nazistas, will go leading the German nation in return to the times of glories. Introduction For accomplishment of this work was necessary the study of the envolvement of Germany in 1 World-wide War and of its situation in the period that preceded the production of the film the triumph of the Will. For better understanding of this assay, this research was divided in three parts: In the first part a summary of the participation and the reasons was made that had taken Germany for the World War I, after that was made a small rocking of the circumstances where it was Germany in the postwar period, with prominence for Treated to Versailles, crash of the stock exchange of NY and a small summary of the ideas of the NSDAP. In the second part of the research, we will analyze the devices of propaganda used by the nazistas, only to understand a little as it was its use, giving prominence for the radio, the cinema, posters, architecture and literatures. In the last part of the research we will analyze the cinematographic production the Triumph of the Will of Leni Riefenstahl and, we will verify with was made the construction of the image of Hitler step by step in the scenes that occur in the film. My Blog:

Red Object

key: subjectivity, individual, Red as the sky. Introduction This article has the pretension to reflect sobrequestes related to the concept of subjectivity in the universe of psychology aluz of the vises of Gonzlez Rey (2004) and Hisses Lane (2002). Pontua algunsaspectos of the Red film As the Sky, in the attempt to relate the theory to the practical one. We will see, therefore, as asubjetividade goes gained space and, leaving of the agreement of such concept, it becomes to emerge the valuation of> particular experiences of eindivduos groups with its respective codes and of worlds with different eobjetivos fields. Beyond the recognition of a heterogeneidade inside of a singularity. What in them it is clearly is that we need to understand the subjectivity concept to inside paragarantir an understanding of the meanings constructed for the citizen deuma complexity which is conditional for history and determined by the culture. Subjectivity, a new model the emergency of the subjectivity ocorrequando sciences by itself does not give to account of a bigger universe of the man nocontexto where it lives without making opposition of man x object.

Rey (2004), nosseus studies on the Emergency of the Citizen and the subjectivity go in saying queos to them to know in different fields had not obtained more to legitimize to its rules universal porfilosofias of history. For the author, they had lost legitimacy osdiscursos totalizantes and universal and that practical the scientific ones, polticasmodernas must be thought about terms of a subjectivity. In the several camposdas sciences human beings is observed today a trend in if redefining them discursosem lathe of the truth ideas/falseness, objetividade/subjectivity as formade to bring a new dimension in the subject relation/object. The citizen is it in siou the society, not, exists without the other; objective the object not existeespecificamente without the citizen of it was part: The sensible category allows to visualize aespecificidade of psique human being and to incorporate an attribute to the social one: the cartersubjetivo of the social processes.