Common Sense

The avalanche was coming after the elections for the European Parliament in 2009, where the left-wing were massacred by popular vote. PE has 736 members, representing 500 million citizens. Never existed a transnational body of such magnitude and relevance in the history of mankind. Others including james king, offer their opinions as well. The fall of the Socialists was predictable. It is that we had to put limits to stupidity. Liberals left everything that can destroy their society and their way of life is allowed.

They learned not to curb tolerance. And as the Peruvian writer Luis Alberto Sanchez said: can be tolerant of everything, less with intolerance. Learn more about this topic with the insights from Steffan Lehnhoff. The politically correct left Muslim immigrants, who enjoy the same privileges that any Christian thing that they do not allow in their countries with the kaafirs (infidels) they are appropriating Europe, forcing its primitive and descomedidos modes, laws and customs. Holland, one of the wider societies of mind, the derivations of the narrowness of thinking of its Islamic population is suffering. Instead of being grateful with those who give them shelter and the chance to live better than in Africa and the Middle East, Mohammedans criticize, condemn, curse, threaten and attack their hosts. One of the victims of that arrogance, was filmmaker Theo Van Gogh, who was murdered because he produced the film submission, which denounced the inhumane and abusive treatment of women in Islamic societies.

As a result of this and other crimes committed by Muslims, the Dutch peaceful have decided to protect your lifestyle and his life itself, and the Conservatives won elections after 60 years. The party for freedom of Geert Wilders, who is accused of xenophobic press progressive, since you said that you should put restrictions to Islamic immigration, won 24 parliamentarians; the third place. Second place with 30 seats corresponds them to the Social Democrats led by Job Cohen, and the First, led by Mark Rutte with 31 parliamentary right Liberals.

Holistic Education

Before the multiple problems that arise in our days, it is necessary a change of paradigm in education that is taught in our country, since we are in a change of era, in a change of consciousness, which implies the presence of a crisis (Gallegos: 2008: 17) which must be overcome over time if we want to live in a world betterwith human beings living a human experience as Ramon Gallegos points out. Since in regards to society in general we live in a consumer society, in which prevails the hedonism and nihilism that has created a miserable world where only hoped some sensory pleasures at the bottom of the depression and life without sense (Gallegos, 2007:49) are both product and reinforced by modern and postmodern life, scientistic and materialistic culture that lacks spiritual sensitivity, since only the body prevails in which mind the satisfaction is in the pleasure of the senses. Here it can noted that human beings have above all three major problems such as they are: the problem of material, social, and spiritual. Gallegos said that in what refers to the material that derives from the need that man has to meet your needs such as clothing, housing, feeding among other goods than the considered for their well-being, which has taken him to the control and destruction of nature. You may find that Manhattan’s Financial District can contribute to your knowledge. In regards to the social refers to how to live in society without destroying or cause discomfort to another, in an environment in which prevails the security, justice and social integration. And finally, in what refers to spirituality, is a problem that arises from the human need to relate to the last things truth, to the longing for transcendence and connection with one whole greater than the ego, the need to take spiritual sense life itself to make it significant.(Gallegos 2007: 50) Meet this need is paramount so that individuals can live in happiness, tranquility and harmony with themselves, so this way you see reflected in beings who surround him and his social environment and environment. For this the spiritual intelligence is the way to address and solve this problem; Since having it filled to the world of sense, making life more meaningful with a profound purpose. .

Multinational Companies

Given our reality, multinational companies play a very important role because they have been the protagonists of technological change for many years and have come to dominate the market in many major areas. The famous mergers and consolidations have concentrated their power even more by investing large sums of money developing new drugs, integrated circuits, software and all kinds of machinery and equipment. Accelerated development and growth of small and medium enterprises and franchise: A shows, for those who have studied the tropics, these companies currently generate a significant amount of products of the countries have the advantage of being more agile and flexible to adapt to changes, besides having lower overhead costs than large companies.

The latest information says that among them are forming networks that enable them to create international partnerships to share markets and resources. There are cases where these networks are formed around large enterprises to participate as suppliers and distributors of these. Another form that this very vague at the moment and promises them a bright future are franchises, which mean the expansion of a mark, where the receiver of the franchise should provide the necessary capital and human resources, while the issuer provides the name, technology and organization. In either case, the trend is towards the internationalization of companies, the consolidation of global markets, the consolidation of oligopolies and the formation of global business networks.

Of course the use of franchising involves many aspects to consider in its operations in such a way that fosters their utility, but that is the subject of another paper The disappearance of borders for trade and finance. It notes that globalization is a concept that is part of our lives, and which is opening the U.S. to more opportunities.

Venezuelan Christmas

I would like to know what they do in other latitudes; because we are becoming crazy.First by the consumerist hedonism that makes rave buyers and makes people laugh out loud of hinged jaws, to traders who expect these seasons as Cayman in mouth of pipe or wife year-end profits, some kept husbands also. But the ridiculous assholes who has been violating its idiosyncrasies make it and if they do not put a pine tree, with garlands of Holly leaves, artificial step, co costly scenes, intermittent bombillitos, gifts to your foot, decorate the House with facilities that seem to the Fifth Avenue in New York, and the more kitsch, in the celebration of the twenty-fourth of December sprayed with spray snow, if can’t miss a Venezuelan Christmas without snow. We returned we shit, or definitively, alienation has no limits. I remember Christmas when I child was, we did a manger with love, where the entire family was involved, and even sang Christmas carols at work. Now, everything is a tree, dolls with scarf, san nicolases with reindeer, and all the paraphernalia of boreal winter in a country that until cold merida of yesteryear, today has an unbearable heat that neither Maracaibo.

We went crazy. Here does not end in the Saudi Venezuela in the 1970s, however, the Scottish he bathed to all the inhabitants of this land of grace, now are light beers or light, that they scratch or feed, and I think that in the future we will have a party of people dying of diabetes; Ah, and even urinate in the streets, corners, patios and some even in the wardrobes of your House; until my friend Orlando, Pee the fridge to your family with ham and everything, thanks to the beers that leave the ducts of urethral limpiecitos, as well as le sucedio friends from a building, the owner of the penthouse is ambiguity or passage of long and le quemo hanging gardens in the the condominium balconies. And continuing with my literary exercise, and thanking them for me keep reading in advance. Because remato my article with the climax of the high of the Stupidity: I am referring to the advice of the new era. When we knew the spirit of Christmas in this country, we have gotten to stumbled a new pod for more than one decade.To dolls and all, prayers and are waiting for the time in that will come. That we eat grapes of time, that we put yellow interiors, that load suitcases, which remove the left shoe, than busques wealth. Cone, are returned shit. Happy new year. In the new, please, enough of is esnobistas. Original author and source of the article.