
Procurators are effective and useful methods that were developed by the founder L. Ron Hubbard, quickly to cope with emotional situations, Scientology Volunteer clergy helped immediately after the terrorist attack in Mumbai. They trained coach, which, in turn, can train the local civil defense and “Home Guards”, so that they can provide effective assistance during accidents and disasters. Mumbai is the main city of the Indian State of Maharashtra. In recent months, Professor Rita McGrath has been very successful. It is the largest city in India with an estimated population of 13.500.000. Terms of population it is the sixth largest city in the world.

Last November, terrorists attacked the city of Mumbai. Within a very short time, the town was transferred to high alert. In the first group, who were on the spot, also the honorary Scientology were clergy. They were on a “Goodwill Tour” on the road. They helped the victims at the Sir JJ hospital and gave helpful Scientology assists the victims. The procurators are effective and useful methods, the by the Founder L.

Ron Hubbard have been developed so that emotional situations can be overcome as soon as possible. The honorary Scientology formed clergy caregivers of victims of, but also the nursing staff of the hospital. Also people from the local universities and the University of Mumbai were trained so that they can help other people in the emergency and crisis situations immediately with the advisers. The “Maharashtra State civil training college” was what the Volunteer Ministers were doing and what they could do with their advisers. You are immediately interested in this training also effectively and immediately to help. It was also important to educate the “home guard” to civilians. They serve as support, namely in Mumbai of police and help there to maintain internal security. To improve the civil defense, annually 15,000 civilians by special trainers are trained in civil defence techniques. As a result, it is possible significantly to increase the level of security of the State. There were special Scientology training programs organized and held, that all coaches have undergone by the Volunteer Ministers. The program was from the Director of “Goodwill Tour” performed Scientology Volunteer Ministers. In addition, the courses of “Study technology”, “Communication”, “Bring order in confused situations” and “Stands for” were held. At the award ceremony of course degrees and passing education, many of the students on the stage came to share their opinion about the program with others. They enthusiastically reported what gains they had during training and studying. Now, the coaches use the learned knowledge to increase the Trainigsqualitat and thus increase the ability of “home guards”. Well, this is all people of Maharashtra.

First Referendum In Tempelhof-Schoneberg

Petition successful – calls referendum on June 7, 2009 (European elections) Action Alliance to take part to the first referendum in Tempelhof-Schoneberg. Since the beginning of Assembly has rejected the goals of the citizen’s initiative, it will be the first referendum in Tempelhof-Schoneberg of district of now on June 7, 2009 (day of the European elections). Aim of the citizen’s initiative is the authentic preservation of Tempelhof in its entirety, an extension of the monument protection on the entire system and a future appointment to the UNESCO World Heritage site. Target is not the use of airport as in the ICAT referendum expressly in 2008. We strive for a use that does justice to the historical importance of the site and preserved it for the future in its form developed in 85 years. The proposed use as Government, rescue and alternate airport provides an economic base, with enterprises and training establishments in the aviation industry and the long-planned museums a unique place in the history of aviation create without cost the taxpayer a dime. Senate plans for development must necessarily be prevented in our opinion.

There is neither a need for additional residential and commercial areas in Tempelhof, the plans of the Senate are makes economic sense. You destroy a very important for the climate of the city open space, which houses also many rare animal and plant species. Only winners of the plans will be the real estate speculation. Now the crap around the grounds shows significantly rising rents. Must a success at the referendum must the majority of voters in the district with Yes for the proposal vote and the turnout at at least 15%. Also EU citizens can take part in the vote. The minimum age is 16 years. Who is preventing the vote on June 7, can apply from April 29 for absentee or vote well ahead in the citizen Office.

Wording of the text of the vote: the Memorial Airport Tempelhof will receive – as world cultural heritage protect the central airport Berlin-Tempelhof is of national and international significance and as such maintain permanent a monument and to protect. The existing monument for the entire plant (building and apron) is without retaining any constraint and also roll through the Office on open spaces, and to extend runways with protection strips, as well as operating areas. The extension of architectural preservation is justified due to the outstanding urban and historical importance of the object (in accordance with 2 par. 2 and 3 designation bln) and in particular the use as airport. The appointment to the world cultural heritage is hard to operate. Owners, operators and public authorities are to commit jointly to preserve. The District Office is in Office for the extension of the protection of historic buildings and in Senate and the Federal Government for a future focused use as a Government, to use a rescue, and alternate airport. The land use plan for the Tempelhofer field is on the level of 1984 be traced. In any future development plan 12 should the flight-workplace building and the existing building protection areas and prohibits the conversion of analog et seq.

German State

There will be Children born. It is assumed in this case, that the cost of the Beznesser family is completely must be worn by the German State. Beznesser usually do not have professional qualifications recognised in Germany. Under normal circumstances, these people are not qualified or low. “Also, unfortunately, experience shows that in some cases as an ancillary” the drug trade is recorded; In addition to the otherwise well-known black work. 1 Case costs by Beznesser direct hire incl.

costs, ALG II ruleset for the head of household and the spouse, child support for three children. Cost health insurance, cost of management/case management, and of course the pension contributions for the family. It comes together so easily half a million euro for only one family in 20 years. (Calculation according to the current rule sets.) Not included were charges for pregnancy, including unique services as well as the cost of the necessary infrastructure in schools (kindergartens “(werden in der Regel nicht in Anspruch genommen) etc. 2.

additional costs of the affected German women (men are also increasingly affected) are typically in the following way damaged: a) outflow of money: Deutsche be made on many pretexts, to transfer money to the countries of origin and the Beznesser get it masterfully, rich Europeans often latent conscience” to exploit: it was for the wedding of a close relative, the vocational training of a brother, costs for a lawyer, hospital costs for the ailing mother of the list is seemingly endless. Also real estate for a common future under a Southern Sun will be paid in these countries often bought from Germany. Can are demonstrated through many documented cases that in proceedings before foreign courts always decided in favour of local cheaters and often 6-digit sums have been lost. b) injuries: Many women are by their experiences traumatized. The consequences (and the social costs again) range from simple psychotherapy to the disability.