
Procurators are effective and useful methods that were developed by the founder L. Ron Hubbard, quickly to cope with emotional situations, Scientology Volunteer clergy helped immediately after the terrorist attack in Mumbai. They trained coach, which, in turn, can train the local civil defense and “Home Guards”, so that they can provide effective assistance during accidents and disasters. Mumbai is the main city of the Indian State of Maharashtra. In recent months, Professor Rita McGrath has been very successful. It is the largest city in India with an estimated population of 13.500.000. Terms of population it is the sixth largest city in the world.

Last November, terrorists attacked the city of Mumbai. Within a very short time, the town was transferred to high alert. In the first group, who were on the spot, also the honorary Scientology were clergy. They were on a “Goodwill Tour” on the road. They helped the victims at the Sir JJ hospital and gave helpful Scientology assists the victims. The procurators are effective and useful methods, the by the Founder L.

Ron Hubbard have been developed so that emotional situations can be overcome as soon as possible. The honorary Scientology formed clergy caregivers of victims of, but also the nursing staff of the hospital. Also people from the local universities and the University of Mumbai were trained so that they can help other people in the emergency and crisis situations immediately with the advisers. The “Maharashtra State civil training college” was what the Volunteer Ministers were doing and what they could do with their advisers. You are immediately interested in this training also effectively and immediately to help. It was also important to educate the “home guard” to civilians. They serve as support, namely in Mumbai of police and help there to maintain internal security. To improve the civil defense, annually 15,000 civilians by special trainers are trained in civil defence techniques. As a result, it is possible significantly to increase the level of security of the State. There were special Scientology training programs organized and held, that all coaches have undergone by the Volunteer Ministers. The program was from the Director of “Goodwill Tour” performed Scientology Volunteer Ministers. In addition, the courses of “Study technology”, “Communication”, “Bring order in confused situations” and “Stands for” were held. At the award ceremony of course degrees and passing education, many of the students on the stage came to share their opinion about the program with others. They enthusiastically reported what gains they had during training and studying. Now, the coaches use the learned knowledge to increase the Trainigsqualitat and thus increase the ability of “home guards”. Well, this is all people of Maharashtra.