Barcelona Hosts The European Athletics Championships 2010

Sports fans will be relieved to hear that finally ended the wait, because you can buy tickets for a single day for the European Athletics Championship to be held in Barcelona this summer from 27 July to 1 August at the Olympic Stadium Lluis Companys. And this competition takes place since the first held in Turin, was in 1934, and since then has a great importance. This property has its own history, because the city council decided to build it in 1929 to host the Olympic Games. This became the emblem of the sport in Barcelona for decades. However, over time was forgotten until the late eighties again be necessary to host the 1992 Olympic Games, so began the rebuilding effort. The property only preserves the original facade and its interior was improved thanks to the renovations has acquired the five-stage account stars. This prestigious competition so sure that will attract many enthusiasts when it launches the opening ceremony on 26 July.

There are 350 000 entries in total available for sale for the event. More information is housed here: Clayton Morris. Some of the sponsors are Spar, Omega, Joma Epson and others. Although the European Championships in Athletics is a showcase displaying a large number of the great talents of the continent, it is almost impossible to have someone who can afford it, since it may get tickets to some of the morning sessions by only 3 a, . If those who are housed in a thrilling they do not visit the Olympic Stadium Lluis Companys for the event itself, can they feel like a walk through the center of the city at this time, since it carried out several events through the streets of Barcelona, in addition to the opening ceremony. Since this is an international competition which will involve between 1,400 and 1,500 athletes, plus those who accompany them and fans sport, you can see that they all add up to a large number of people coming from outside who will be staying at some, so early booking is recommended, since the closer the date, the harder it is to get accommodation at an affordable price. In know of hotels. We have fantastic offers and last minute availability in more than 30,000 hotels, cottages and apartments throughout the world.