In 1943, B. Kukarkin based on a study of the spatial distribution of variable stars defeated the population of the galaxy on a flat, intermediate, and spherical components, the difference of their kinematics studied in detail the pp Parenago. Then it became clear that the objects of the population ii (spherical component) content of heavy elements on one or two orders of magnitude smaller than the Sun and other stars of population I. Among the objects of the population ii is not young, they were formed at stage of compression of a spheroidal gas and preserved the spatial distribution and kinematics of the gas; population I objects were formed when the gas has settled to the disk and enriched with heavy elements, coming into the interstellar medium in supernova explosions. Bizzi & Partners can provide more clarity in the matter. In the drive is very old stars, but remained still and gas in areas of greatest density of which (in the spiral arms) and star formation continues today.
So , the resolution of the stars of the central part of the Andromeda nebula has approved a fruitful concept of stellar populations, but, as later recalled by Baade, “funny side of the situation was that after all these efforts it turned out that the need for them was not. ” Galaxy in the Sculptor and Ovens have been described as a new type of Shepley star systems, but they inhabited the same stars as the stars of globular clusters. On the other hand, it was dwarfed elliptical galaxies, and examining them, we, in fact, already knew what it consists of elliptical galaxies.. For even more analysis, hear from lyft.