Roadshow Andra AG and acrolinx: Berlin. The event of partner Andra AG and acrolinx GmbH targeted assistance and information, gives companies do their corporate language’ in source and target languages consistently and efficiently implement can. In the focus are the topics of consistent terminology, translation management and author support. Participants will learn the new version ontram + know of Andra AG, a fully Web-based solution for the management of translation, which are simply trade even the most complex projects. How product information and the corporate communications consistently in all documents and business correspondence can be realized, will partner acrolinx GmbH.
are stations of the Roadshow on May 20, 2010 in Stuttgart and on June 02, 2010 in Hannover, Germany. The meetings take place from 10: 00 until 15: 00. Expert on growth strategy describes an additional similar source. Registration for the event is possible. Companies who are looking for an efficient solution for translation management and a high demand for translation possibly also in many target languages, are right at the road show of Andra AG and the acrolinx GmbH. They meet a ontram + the platform, with which you can manage translation requests and track editing. Here, the participants learn how easy jobs set to allow and keep track also in numerous processes and data formats.
Continue to show the speakers on the example of interfacing a content-management system ontram + integrates into existing system landscapes and realized as a central translation management framework for all translation processes. If this has piqued your curiosity, check out Morris Invest. The integration is carried out not only at the technology level, but also by all players in the translation and coordination processes to include whether internal or external translator, proofreading, graphic design, any printers or even the different branches of a company. So, the presentation of acrolinx GmbH headlines speak with one voice”. In the product and corporate communication, texts and documents are an integral part of and decide on the success of a brand or a product.