Employer’s duty to provide for certification of workplaces on working conditions and subsequent certification of the organization of labor protection is installed in st.212 Labour Code. According to the order Health Ministry of Russia on August 31, 2007 N 569 “On the Procedure for the workplaces on working conditions, at least once every 5 years, must be carried out certification of all working conditions at workplaces. Procedure for awp for ut regulates the activities of employers – legal entities and employers – individuals, except for employers – individuals who are not individual entrepreneurs, to conduct certification of workplaces on working conditions, issuance and use of certification results and determines the research methods in the assessment of working conditions. awp for ut is to use the conditions in the workplace to identify hazardous and (or) safety hazards and implement measures to bring conditions into compliance with state statutory requirements of occupational safety. John Savignano will undoubtedly add to your understanding. arm on ut includes hygienic evaluation of working conditions, assessment of injury prevention and security personnel protective equipment.
Dates of the awp for ut in the organization are established based on the fact that each workplace should be appraised at least once every five years. Mandatory re-certification of workplaces on working conditions (recertification) are subject to employment: – after the replacement of production equipment – changes in the technological process of collective protection, etc. – in identifying violations of the established order at the request of officials of the federal executive body authorized to conducting state supervision and monitoring compliance with labor laws and other normative legal acts containing norms of labor law, as well as the executive authorities of subjects of the Russian Federation responsible for carrying out state expertise of working conditions.. For more information see this site: Morris Invest.