The total population of both municipalities (urban and rural) was of 99,821 inhabitants in 2005. He is currently working to integrate the area Metropolitan South of Guanajuato which would include three municipalities: Yuriria, Uriangato and Moroleon, because of its close geographical proximity to the lifestyle, culture and so similar customs among the inhabitants of these three municipalities. With this integration is re-established a metropolitan area that would be the fifth-largest and most populous in the State of Guanajuato, city now that the population of these three municipalities amounted to 163,267 inhabitants in 2005. Moroleon is the 5th. City with best quality of life in the State of Guanajuato (surpassed only by Leon, Irapuato, Celaya and Guanajuato). History in 1601 by Royal grant, the viceroy don Gaspar Zuniga and Acevedo grants the Spanish maid Dona Juana de Medina and Calderon, two cavalries of Earth, which today are the seat of Moroleon.
In 1775 Don Jose Guzman Lopez (native of Yuriria) founded the town of La Congregation of Uriangato located in an area known as La Mezquitera, today this place It is the settlement of the historical downtown of Moroleon. In 1806 the father Quintana officiated the first mass in honor of Senor de Esquipulitas. Since the year of 1776, the town of the Congregation of Moro (baptized thus by the MRP Fray Francisco de Quinta Ana and Aguilar) began to be populated significantly under the invitation made by Don Jose Guzman Lopez that its peasants and herdsmen come to live to the population, and subsequently at the initiative of Friar Francisco Quintanainvites people from fence of Santiago and Salvatierra to increase the population and it is said that he was him who introduced the manufacture of the overflow, according to the assertions made by the MRP Fray Nicolas p. Navarrete, chronicler of the Augustinian province of San Nicolas de tolentino of Michoacan, to November 19, 1845 by 16 Decree published November 20, 1845 is declared the Legal Foundation of the people of the Congregation of Uriangato, being Governor of the State Don Juan Bautista Morales. In the year of 1857 Moro-leon (as it was initially called) is erected as one municipality of the State of Guanajuato. Moroleon name is taken by the composition of words Moro due to the Valle del Moro (in Yuriria) where the first settlers of the Congregation and Leon were originating surname of General Antonio Leon, which led to the Cavalry of Guanajuato in the assault on the city of Oaxaca, during the iturbidista Empire. In the year of 1908 Moroleon is elevated to the category of village, the small temple opens in 1913 and on April 13, 1929 Moroleon is elevated to the category of city. Original author and source of the article.