It seems that my bath to build simple enough. This is not a wooden house on 4 floors. However, often people in the construction of saunas and baths are guided by advice received from the sources are very unreliable, and the experience and practical skills in the vast majority of them do not. This article sets out the considerations that may help readers make the right choice. Many baths pose themselves, but in recent years an increasing demand on already built baths erected by construction companies. In any case, a possible host baths should know some things about and sets out further. Bani, of course, the great house of logs, however the project baths really do desirable.
Therefore with him, and let's begin. The first thing that is usually solved in the design of baths – is its layout and size. Size, no doubt, important. Decision here should be taken with a view to maximize the effect of the merits of real Russian bathhouses, and, of course, comfort and convenience when using the bath. How should the premises? Optimally to log had three heated room: steam bath, dishwasher, living room (the entrance to the steam room should be the making of pomyvochnoy).
In pomyvochnom department, combined with a steam room, at a high temperature not everyone can then wash. Yes, and soap – enemy of the good pair. To save, of course you can combine these two rooms, but in this case will initially make a specific course of action: first, all steamed, and then later all washed.