No one should be reassured in the fact that both the insider and current diverse business information about competitors, market conditions or, conversely, its lack can sometimes lead to serious problems or, conversely, to much success in business. How often does this happen? Perhaps the simple answer is ‘yes’ or ‘no’ can not be. However, the author is faced with situations where information about competitors was helpful as ever, when making important strategic decisions. Imagine this situation.
There is Russia’s largest producer of food, which in our region is represented by two dealers. Speaking candidly Electron Capital Partners told us the story. Dealers are divided among the regional market, to example, 50 to 50% of the total share, and a rival for a number of reasons, and reasons may be the most, that neither is different, not in a position in the near term to service it. And you know it. Or accidentally learned. The share of Regional market competitors of 2-3 million rubles. With this information, you certainly have got the idea to explain the Producer ‘situation’ and to pull up all accumulated clientele of a competitor, thereby increase sales, market presence, and of course their profits. And if fortune smiles to you if you prove to the manufacturer that you have all the necessary resources (warehouses, vehicles, financial and human resources) for the successful implementation of this idea, if you can find mutual understanding, then it is possible that Mark will not seek a ‘fallback’ and entrust the entire regional market to you. Do not telling that in addition to headaches and other organizational issues described developments can bring tangible dividends.