Traditional Chinese Medicine

The TCM offers side-effect-free helps for many complaints wellness stay for children, medical Spa offers for adolescents and young people is that really necessary? Clearly, the answer is: Yes. Perhaps check out Realtor for more information. For massages, relaxation and adventure pools, the sauna visit or sports without pressure contribute directly to the well-being, strengthen the immune power and promote the capacity to concentrate. At the same time, the family adventure is intensified by togetherness. Health prevention, then the traditional Chinese medicine (TCM) offers, as practiced in the award-winning vital – und Wellnesshotel zum Kurfursten, just for children and teenagers without side effects possibilities, to preserve the health and strengthen the immune system. The TCM professionals of the Middle Moselle have years of experience with the gentle healing methods of traditional Chinese medicine. Applies to children of all ages, that is with acupressure or acupuncture symptoms of colds or significantly alleviate have flu. Schoolchildren from the eighth year of life acupuncture is already a probate method, particularly when allergies, head and ear pain, digestive problems and skin diseases.

The experienced TCM specialist will prepare for the treatment in conversation with the parents and the child. The usage is less and above all finer needles. The goal is to strengthen the specific treatment, the healing powers and to restore the balance of health. Body, soul and environment will be seen as a unit. This holistic approach is particularly suitable for children and young people, as there are no side effects.

Skin disorders, food allergies, but also psychological problems are treated as highly effective. Often E.g. pressure in school leads to stress, more precisely: stress at school, children between school and up to the age of about 14. The consequences are often physical complaints that are not recognizable at first glance: dining, learning or performance errors or lack of concentration,. Nervousness, often associated with stomach – or headache or even pronounced insomnia. The treatment is started on the basis of TCM diagnosis. So Chinese massage, Qi Gong, and a modified food plan after the five-elements cuisine. Of course acupuncture can be used for relaxation, especially including the ability to concentrate can be promoted. And all without drugs”, such as underline the TCM specialists of the award-winning medical Spa Hotels in Bernkastel-Kues. The perfect infrastructure of hotels to the electors can be used by children and young people of course also in the wellness and beauty area: through aroma massage with special relaxing oils, but also with stomach or head massage. Here comes up joy and well-being. Latest with puberty, also the first blemishes show up. The type-specific skin care should now start. Good advice is not expensive; because on the basis of an analysis of the skin, you can find the correct cleaning and Care and cleaning products. So the awareness at the same time at home skin care. And some teens takes a few tips and tricks”for the make-up and an age found make up home with.