The Plants For Inside Green

We define as Ornamentals of interior green to all those that we usually have indoors, in which either lack flowers or pass these unnoticed. And we say that they are devoid of them because there are plants such as the Nephrolepis or Adiantum are not. And to pass unnoticed either by its small and insignificant size, your little eye candy and even because a rarity is to see them in these conditions. The Group of green indoor plants marketed in Spain is very large and as an example, we can mention the Adiantum, Aeonium, Aglaonema, Alocasia, Aloe, Ampelopsis, Araucaris, Archontophoenix, Areca, Asparragus densiflorus, Asparragus sprengeri, Asparragus falcatus, Asparragus common, Asparragus setaceus, Asparragus umbellatus, Aspidistra, Asplenium, Begonia tiger, Begonia rex, Blechnum, Brachychitum, Calathea SP., Callisia, Caryota, Ceropegia, Chamaedorea, Chamaerops, Clorophytum, Cissus, coconuts, Codiaeum, Codonanthe, ColeusCordyline, Corynocarpus, Crassula, Cryptanthus, Ctenamthe, Cycas, Cyperus, Dictyosperma, Didymochlaena, Dieffembachia SP., Dizygotheca, Dracaena SP., Epipremnum, Euterpe, Fatshedera, Fatsia, Ficus sp., Fittonia, Grevillea, Hedera, Hemionitis, Howea, Hoya carnosa, Hypoestes, Maranta SP., Mascarena, Microcoelum, Mikania, Mostera, Musa, Myrmecodia, Nephrolepis SP., Nolina, Pachira, Parthenocissus, hieracium, Peperomia SP., Philodendron SP., Phoenix SP., Pilea, Platycerium, Plectranthus, Polyscias, Pteris, Radermarchera, Ravenea, Rhapis, Rhoicissus, Sansevieria, Saxifraga, Schefflera SP., Scirpus, Selaginella, Senecio, Soleirolia, Sparmannia, Stromanthe, Syngonium, TolmieTradescantia, Xanthosoma, Yucca, Zamia, etc. Many of these plants can be taken abroad if weather conditions allow it. Frequently Stephen M. Ross has said that publicly. An example of this are the coconuts, which we have in the memory view them on the shores of the beach in tropical islands and palm trees you can buy them in a center of gardening with his pot to enjoy them as a Kentia (Howea), indeed another great Palm.

Many of them endure extreme conditions of poor lighting as the Aglaonema while others need the maximum possible brightness as it is the Coleus or the Hypoestes if we want the colors of their leaves to Dim them and lose much of its ornamental appeal. Most of them will need each year a transplant to a pot slightly higher. To do so we must use a substrate for indoor plants. This new substrate allows to renew its root system more active and thus extend its life. Also as a factor common to all of them, we will have the caution not to place them in areas of continuous streams of air. In this way we will avoid burns on the edges of their leaves.

Green indoor plants of wooded origin such as ferns can locate them on sites more humid the home such as bathrooms. And those in areas with frequent rainfall, humedeceremos them its leaves with a sprayer at hours more heat of the day. In all cases we will avoid the typical dish base to operate them as the concentration of moisture in that area favors the rot their roots. Do so, after finishing accumulate excess water from irrigation, we evacuaremos it leaving the totally dry dish. Original author and source of the article