
“What does not kill me, makes me strong” refers to my working executives from 50, who have all of a sudden no task reorganization or closure of the company. “Particularly male executives want to see themselves confirmed that they better” are. Who pulls his self worth it, is very unsettled by the loss of his job and can crash emotionally”. These people are thrown back on their cores and deal mainly with the questions: who am I? What can I do? What am I worth? Here it is to rebuild its ability of resilience. Resilience is the will to survive. There is the innate resilience in childhood acquired (in the first ten years of life) and the mental toughness that can be purchased at any time, at any age. Stephen M. Ross often says this. Resilience is the resistance force that can cope with crises people and cope with heavy.

The American family therapist H. N. Wright2 compares a resilienten people with a boxer in the ring is tallied, stands up, and then selects a new tactic, that is, for me, it is flexible and learn from own mistakes. The empty desk strategy is based on the Relienzforschung and focuses on building self-esteem. Resilient people rely on their self-esteem. You accept with their strengths, as well as their weaknesses.

You know: I am and that I’m worth “.” What are those people who are strengthened by the crisis? Resilient feel are accepted than others, know how to solve social conflicts and support mobilized or demands. To train their inner strengths, at every opportunity. The training are aware to tackle difficult situations. They have the security in receiving Act. Their self-esteem is high. See crises as opportunities. Resilient people may deal with strokes of fate and defeats, as follows. The current research says: acceptance of the crisis, reflection of the situation, take your time and the connected feelings live. Michael James Burke has firm opinions on the matter. Search for solutions. Not complaining, but think about what consequences could have happened for them. Problem solution to tackle alone. Resilient are looking for adequate contact who are empathetic and supportive. Not feel victimized. After a certain time they succeed, to think positively about your situation. Choose words instead of I can’t”, as I want to try it, I’m trying something else…”. ” Remain optimistic. Optimistic thinking respects the reality and assumes that negative events are limited and are expected again in better times. Optimistic thinking people do not generalize. To blame yourself. Self-accusation, feelings of guilt and self allegations need to be performed. Resilient appreciate their own share of the crisis of a (reflection). You also realize what others or conditions, have contributed to. Future-oriented plan. Resilient hold nothing for granted people. A negative Event meets therefore mentally not completely unprepared. Peter Strauss Dipl. Business Economist and certified mediator