The project – a unique (unlike the so-called. 'Operations') activity with a beginning and an end time, aimed at creating a specific, unique product or service. Because of its unique projects related to many risks. Typical projects – the creation or design of various consumer and b2b – goods, services and solutions (buildings, machinery, electronics, software). Filed under: Realtor. As examples of projects include: the move to new building, changes to the company's organizational structure, preparation and conduct scientific experiments. (A valuable related resource: Castle Lanterra).
Project management (English project management) – area of activity, in which are set and achieved goals, and and optimized use of resources (such as time, money, people, materials, energy, space, etc.) within a certain running project. Project workplace organization takes on more and more popularity in the companies. This is associated with increased variability in the modern business environment, to which the economic subject's have to adapt in order to maintain competitiveness and profitability. Operating organization of business involves daily stability, monotony, routine, and at all times the same product output. It is gradually being replaced by business organization as a set ('portfolio') projects, which performed sequentially or in parallel.
All of us for a promotion, or simply to maintain a workplace, is increasingly called upon to master techniques of project management. This will help you a selection of books on Project Management offer an online store The book 'Project Management: a crash course on the program MBA' main task in this book – to present a realistic view of the requirements of the project environment and skills that are needed for successful project implementation.