TV inspection: a many necessary discovery journey into the underworld in building acceptance and building refurbishments many builders know the problem: new buildings and old building renovation measures there are problems with the drainage system regularly. It is so to speak the neglected stepchild. Drain lines are either leaking or not connected properly. But also foreign material can be located in the drain lines. The investigation of the drain lines with a tube camera (TV inspection) can be described also as expedition into the underworld.
TV inspection is a validation measure that provides clear information about the optical State of internal drainage systems. Also a review of the history of the pipe occurs if Moreover there are no detailed information in the form of a drainage plan. Construction and installation defects, occurred as well as foreseeable damage and dysfunction can be diagnosed through a TV inspection usually safe. Examples: flow obstacles such as root Ingrowth, Incrustations, construction debris, a good pipe and gaskets, pipe damage such as cracks, breaks, Corrosions, line position deviations such as joint offsets, these reasons is under arches (water bags”) no longer imagine a TV inspection as a tool of the modern pipe investigation. TV inspection is a relatively low-cost checking measure that can avoid possible recourse. In this context, it is worth noting that an insured event occurs when pipe ruptures.
This includes, that is paid for TV inspection and the associated documentation of the building insurance. This principle applies: no documentation no insurance benefits! “On this topic discharge AS already has an article titled pipe rupture & building insurance: who bears the cost of pipe breaks?” published. There are quite different events that suggest a TV inspection or require, for example: real estate ownership (to evil Surprises after the purchase to avoid) new acceptance: control of newly laid drains State control: capture of the structural State of drains preliminary investigations for rehabilitation and reconstruction projects in cooperation with planning offices record the exact line history for missing inventory plans specifying measures and priorities as a basis for calculation of costs monitoring of Abflussrohrreinigungs – and milling regulations commitment to controlling equity: each operator of a drain and sewer system is required by regulations of water resources Act (WHG) and self regulation (EKVO), to ensure the tightness of its drainage system and to demonstrate. In many cases, currently such leak proof may already by a TV inspection as provided apply (consultation with the municipality required). Should however the TV inspection already detected, such as groundwater enters the drain lines, may be waived the leak test. Instead, underground pipes should be repaired immediately in order to save costs. Builders, engineers and installers have the ability to control the drainage system before the actual construction works or in the context of the completion, to determine as damage or drain obstacles through a TV inspection. All technical and legal issues in this context the drain AS Alliance informed on their homepage, also by phone. Drain AS Alliance is the pioneer in the field of work on drainage and since 1969 continuous improvement, specialization of their work and satisfaction of customer needs have priority at the drain AS Alliance. The services offered include Eatment. Consulting, TV inspection, leak testing, equipment repair, re-storage backup, lifting equipment service, drainage pipe location, creation of the stock plan, drain pipe cleaning, individual maintenance.