Expert at catching fish predators Bertus Rozemayer at catching walleye idetsobstvennym way. In doing so he is not going to give otsvoih favorite lures, but instead of soft plastic catches on wobblers. Learn more on the subject from The Related Companies. When trolling, fishing lures yavlyayutsyarezultativnymi buzz baits, at least, they do not ustupayutvibrohvostam. For a long time, I only caught perch on lures, although they are not considered to be preferred baits for catching this ryby.Konechno, and crankbaits have drawbacks, especially when there is a need vpoiskah perch catches the horizon near the bottom of the pond. A few words about the application of the bait near the bottom. For more specific information, check out Rusty Holzer. If the catch from the shore, you should using deep diving crankbaits. If the bottom falls vodoemakruto directly from the shore and then inland body of water has ravnomernuyuglubinu, the lure in this case can be made very well. But vbolshinstve cases the bottom looks like differently.
Starting from the shore glubinavodoema after the shallow zone is gradually getting bigger. If vestivobler from deep to shallow area, then in the shallows, he on the bottom. Well, if he is caught in this only nemnogotravy, but often lure in this case will forever remain in dnevodoema. Or bite the hook for the bottom sometimes lures with the wiring can raze the blade for dno.Po my opinion, is a complete nonsense. As I I can tell postoyannyeudary wobbler on the bottom of the bites? But when I have to bite delatpodsechku. If I do this at a time when there is contact sdnom, there is a danger that the lure a very deeply vochto something at the bottom of the pond.